Today Obama built on his previous new lowest approval rating of -16 yesterday to plummet to his newest new low of -19 today. I wonder what is making American voters so testy with Obama — so “ungovernable.” (Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!) Wasn’t getting the Nobel Peace Prize in a box of Cracker Jacks on Dec. 10 supposed to …
Category Archives: Humor
Iowahawk explains how to put the 'hockey stick' on ice
Iowahawk understands statistical analysis — something to do with his day job and all — and his column this week is educational, rather than humorous, on the subject of Climategate. He walks his readers through the process of deriving the famous “hockey stick” graph, which purports to prove global temperatures are rising at such a …
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Scambaiting is pretending to scammers to be just about to take their bait, then pulling back and leading them on for as long as you can until you are bored of toying with them or they figure out they’ve been had. Think of a mother duck leading the fox away from her nest by pretending …
'Nobody's gonna rain on my blog tirade'
I love The Bloggess and had no idea she has such a lovely singing voice! I’m going to have to start watching “Glee.” And going to bed on time — by coincidence, it was exactly 1:26 am here when The Bloggess said she was up at 1:26 am. Update, 12/13/09, Sunday: See another side of …
Gen. McChrystal, Obama is behind you in Afghanistan 75 percent
As Iowahawk reports: Anyhoo, after receiving General McChrystal’s request, I carefully reviewed and focus tested it with some of the top military strategists of DailyKos and HuffingtonPost. As an alternative, they suggested sending a special force of 200 diversity-trained surrender consultants. After several months of careful deliberation, polling, and strategic golfing, I told the General …
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How Art Buchwald explained Thanksgiving to the French
The late Art Buchwald wrote the following column to explain Thanksgiving to the French while he was a correspondent in France and it became an instant Thanksgiving tradition: One of our most important holidays is Thanksgiving Day, known in France as le Jour de Merci Donnant. Le Jour de Merci Donnant was first started by …
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The sanctity of marriage
So, if I understand this correctly, the current primary rationale against same-sex marriage equality is that the spouses involved cannot directly conceive children with one another, but straight people can marry ANYONE of the opposite sex, whether or not they intend to have children together, up to and including a person of the opposite sex …
Poll asks 'Who is the biggest pro-censorship ass-hat in the known universe?"
Scroll all the way down. In the other categories, Kathy Shaidle seems to be wiping the floor with her competitors.
When the Left mocks Obama, come to find it's not racist
The Left has begun to mock Obama, who is the most pre-eminently mockable man ALIVE. Surprise! When the Left ridicules Obama, it’s not racist. Well, I’ll be. The video below is from The Onion, which has just caught up with the idea that a man who must have his every remark scripted and scrolled across …
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Who chooses Michelle Obama's clothes and why do they hate her?
From the Greenroom at Hot Air, Track-a-crat profiles “A Day in the Life of Michelle Obama.” Remember that I wrote about the colorful abstract print dress included above because she chose that cheerful pattern over her signature funeral director color palette from the Malcolm X line of designer Louis Farrakhan, which she usually favors, to …
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