Bats versus wind energy — I'm rooting for the bats

Wind energy as a renewable energy source not only requires a back-up power source that neutralizes all its supposed energy benefits, but also requires installing tall, hideous turbines in large numbers — it cannot be justified as a source of green energy not only because it destroys the environment, kills birds and insects, but also …

'I'm your social media guru'

H/T Katherine Mangu-Ward at Reason magazine’s Hit-and-Run blog. In August The Bloggess, whom I love pure and chaste from afar, wrote “How not to get fired for using social networking” — speaking of which, while you’re in the neighborhood, I also recommend her post, “Get my husband off Facebook” — I adore her husband, Victor, …

Obama aggressively defends 'don't ask, don't tell' just 13 days after promising to end it

Just 13 days passed between Obama telling the A-list homosexuals assembled at a Human Rights Campaign fundraising dinner in Washington, D.C., on October 10 that he will get “don’t ask, don’t tell” repealed so that homosexuals can serve openly in the U.S. military — see the video above — and his latest betrayal of that …

World War II veteran and father of a gay son, 'We must have equal rights for everyone … let gay people have the right to marry'

I continue to be amazed at conservatives who oppose homosexual equality without thinking that they may be working for inequality for their own children. I am amazed that in the name of God and family values these anti-gay activists so demonize homosexuals that they drive parents to abandon or disown their own children. Well, on …

Tales of Hoffman

From YouTube: Jeremy Kaine and Tony Maglione from Doug Hoffman’s Plattsburgh, New York, campaign office tell America what is at stake in the Nov. 3 Congressional special election in upstate New York. Dear Stacy McCain just got back from his trip to NY-23 to check on the campaign of Doug Hoffman, who is the Conservative …

How to learn to be lucky

Richard Wiseman is a psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire  in the U.K. who researched how to be lucky and wrote a book about it called The Luck Factor. He published a piece giving highlights of his research findings on Jan. 9, 2003, at the Web site of the British newspaper, the Telegraph: … unlucky …

Ex-ex-lesbian tells why ex-gay books should be banned

I was an ex-lesbian for almost eight years during most of my twenties. Except for one thing. I was just celibate. I was still sexually attracted to women. I could not force myself to be attracted to men. I could not will myself to be attracted to men. All I could manage was to be …

Ross Douthat bets on the future of gay marriage

From the New York Observer, 10/22/09, via Memeorandum: Ross Douthat, conservative op-ed columnist for the New York Times … indicated that he opposes gay marriage because of his religious beliefs, but that he does not like debating the issue in those terms. At one point he said that, sometimes, he feels like he should either …

Shepard Fairey and the Left's hope-destroying double standard

I was reminded of the YouTube video, “The Patti Lupone Audience Freak-out Re-mix,” by the post today by Stage Right at Big Hollywood, which explains why Shepard Fairey’s appropriation of the work of an AP photographer for his famous “Hope” poster of Obama is plagiarism and threatens the foundation of artistic compensation, yet Left-wing Hollywood …