The Hammond Song by The Roches

The popular music performers that Margaret and I loved to go see in concert were Joan Armatrading, Betty (the group) and The Roches. Betty moved to New York in the mid-80’s I think, so we only saw them once or twice, but we saw Joan Armatrading and The Roches several times over the years. I’ve …

Camille Paglia marches clueward

Writing in Salon, Camille Paglia reminds me of the story of the seven blind men trying to describe an elephant based on the part of the elephant each one held. Discoursing on the healthcare reform bill just passed in the House of Representatives, she describes the pieces of the socialist totalitarianism that the Democratic leadership …

My darling HillBuzz boyz, don't just leave the Democrats, JOIN the Republicans

I am up way past my bedtime, but I just got quite the shot of adrenaline from seeing in my newsfeed the following headline from HillBuzz: “We are very close to no longer being Democrats.” My darlings — I love you with all my heart — as Ronald Reagan said — you are not leaving …

FINALLY — Gays unite to withhold donations to Democrats until DADT and DOMA are repealed while pro-choice Democratic women threaten mutiny or something

Well, well, well! Since Sunday, two groups that Democrats have gleefully exploited and abused and held hostage — because what are they going to do? become Republicans? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! — have finally figured out that they must unite and ring the party’s bell to teach it a lesson in keeping its promises that it will never …

What do straight people have to DO to get thrown out of the military?

Let me see if I have this right. To get thrown out of the military, all a gay or lesbian has to do is say, “I’m gay,” any time, anywhere, and out they go. Why, it’s as easy as a traditional Muslim divorce! Or, an envious rival just has to say someone else is gay …

UPDATED — When the failure of central planning becomes undeniable

Where has this fellow Hayek been all my life?: As the Austrian philosopher Friedrich von Hayek explained in his 1944 classic, The Road to Serfdom, central planning leads to massive inefficiencies and long queues outside empty shops. A state of perpetual economic crisis then leads to calls for more planning. But economic planning is inimical …

'Witchi Tai To' song makes me feel glad

Jim Pepper, who wrote “Witchi Tai To” — his version takes a minute or so to get started: The version I first fell in love with, by Jim Pepper’s band, Everything Is Everything, from 1969: Brewer and Shipley’s version (their Web site explains they heard it on the radio and changed some of the lyrics …

Beauregard in the catnip

I am practicing compressing photos in iPhoto for publication on the Web. I took photos and promised to publish them here when I attended the July 4 Tea Party in Bel Air (Maryland), the Sen. Benjamin Cardin “healthcare reform” town hall in Towson, the healthcare reform protest at Congressman Frank Kratovil’s office in Bel Air, …