The exercise to do to get smart

This clip includes the intro music for all five seasons of “Get Smart” and the 1989 reunion movie: Fun fact: “Get Smart” is my father’s favorite comedy. I have learned the hard way that I have to exercise to think clearly and function well, and these rewards are so obvious to me that I dread …

For stronger bones — jump!

Thanks to Little Miss Attila, I was browsing the New York Times and came across a piece on new research on what exercise is best for making your bones stronger — the last I heard it was weight-lifting and weight-bearing exercises, but newer research has a different recommendation: … the current state-of-the-science message about exercise …

Gone to lynch

Huzzah, Jenny, The Bloggess, whom I love pure and chaste from afar, is back from Japan. Before watching this video, I have to caution you that there is a reason I made up a new Internet acronym for her: PFNFNDHITN (Pee First, No Food, No Drinks, Have Inhaler and Tissues Nearby): Thank you, my dear …

Carrie Prejean made 15-20 sex videos and she was 20 at the time

MSNBC, 11/13/2009: Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy When Carrie Prejean dropped her lawsuit against the Miss California USA pageant last week, she acknowledged making only one video of herself masturbating and claimed she was 17. Saying she was 17 is convenient because it means distributing the video or …

Any error will do for a smear campaign

Via Instapundit, I see that Mark Steyn is saying that the fact that it took 11 Associated Press reporters to find six extremely trivial errors — quibbles, really — in former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s forthcoming autobiography, Going Rogue, which will be released on Monday, Nov. 16, shows why newspapers rapidly are becoming obsolete. I …

Understanding Obama: learn the four types of enablers of narcissists

Conservative Pup is a nurse and she was disturbed by Obama’s cold and inappropriate behavior right after the Ft. Hood mass murder — you do not do “shout outs” just before announcing a mass murder unless you are doing a comedy skit or you have a sociopathic lack of empathy. Come to find that a …

Vicious backlash for ALL gays because Perez Hilton called Carrie Prejean names she keeps proving she deserves, but no backlash for Muslims after an Islamist jihadist kills 13 at Ft. Hood

One of the hurdles that beauty pageant contestants must hurdle effortlessly is proving they have the ability to answer polarizing questions in a way that offends no one. No one who lacks that ability deserves to win a pageant. Carrie Prejean proved at the Miss USA pageant last spring that she is always determined to …

Why does Michelle Obama only wear cheerful colors when she's attending memorial services for U.S. soldiers?

Michelle Obama, ever fashion forward in her signature ammo belt and wearing the cheerful colors that always characterize her wardrobe when she is celebrating the deaths of, um, attending the memorial services of U.S. soldiers who have died in the service of their country, watches her husband performing the traditional ceremony of laying a wreath …