What The Bloggess brought to her daughter's school to celebrate Multi-Cultural Day

All right, first of all, I’ll wait for all the heads to finish exploding over a Texas school celebrating “Multi-Cultural Day.” OK, then. Next, I will remind you that Jenny, The Bloggess, is my dear friend and that I invented the acronym PFNFNDHTIN (pee first, no food, no drinks, have tissues and inhaler nearby) to …

Best video round-up of Obama's broken promises is on — Comedy Central?

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Stealth Care Reform www.thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Crisis Jon Stewart at Comedy Central has pulled together the best collection of videos of Obama making campaign pledges that he never intended to keep, which some people uncharitably, but accurately, …

Vastu — 'Nature has an architecture'

From Channel 4, NBC, in Washington, D.C.: PBS Nightly Business Report: Glad tidings! I finished my course yesterday. It was about Vastu, um, Sthapatya Ved — er, Fortune-Creating ® Buildings. I’m going to let the videos explain. They feature Jeffrey Abramson, whom I know as a long-time acquaintance, discussing the application of the principles of …

Really, Sen. McCain? What tipped you off? UPDATED

OK, when John McCain is finally willing to characterize Obama accurately without worrying about being called a RAAAAACIST!, it looks to me like a watershed moment all-around. I blame Bush. Updated, 1/9/10, Sat.: Patterico had a guest post in 2008 featuring a letter dated February 6, 2006, from Sen. McCain to his new colleague, Obama, …

'The 30 most important cats of 2009'

I saw this linked at Ace of Spades HQ and loved it — if you check out the link, my personal favorites are the musical cats, #8 and #1, and I’d love to hear about your nominees. The direct link is here. I’m sorry for the light posting this week — I am taking an …

Charles Johnson outraged that a Democrat's photo attempt to prove Obama ever had a real job before becoming president is a PhotoShop

Really. He’s threatening legal action and everything. Ace has the story. [Shoulders shaking, church guffaw about to burst out.] Update, 1/2/2010, Sat.: Patterico, too: but ask dear Little Miss Attila, who also explains here why he might not be buying her a drink at this year’s CPAC.