UPDATED How to grab the gay equality issue from the Left

I have a proposal for attracting to conservatism a demographic that’s up-for-grabs. There are three blog publishers who are in a position to do this. Each one could do it alone, but it will make a bigger impact if they hold hands and make the leap of faith together. My proposal is that at least …

A Conservative Lesbian is starting a new meme — the Wave of Love #wol

One of the drawbacks of conservatives’ love of individualism is that we leave our heroes to fight their battles alone instead of leaping to their side when they are surrounded by packs of Leftie wolves baying for their blood. I have been particularly concerned for Andrew Breitbart, since he is leading such effective battles against …

Trap, neuter, return feral cats

This ABC News story describes a population boom of abandoned and feral cats in Miami. I expect the man they show trapping cats is taking them to be euthanized and they didn’t have the guts to say so. It is a pity that the woman they interviewed who is feeding homeless cats near her condo …

Sassy Gay Friend saves Desdemona

Sassy Gay Friend rescues Desdemona in Shakespeare’s “Othello”! But The Second City writers couldn’t pass up referring to Rossini’s opera, “Otello”! Frankly, I hope The Second City runs Sassy Gay Friend all the way through Shakespeare and then sends him on to rescue all the doomed heroes and heroines of tragic opera. Although it wouldn’t …

BREAKING Westboro Baptist Church leader Fred Phelps announces he is gay

April 1, 2010 — Topeka, Kansas — Westboro Baptist Church leader, Fred Phelps, announced today at a hastily-called press conference that he is a proud gay man. Phelps’ church is infamous for its daily protests against homosexuality in its hometown of Topeka, Kansas, and across the U.S. “I tried to hate the gay out of …

Selective outrage over Westboro Baptist Church

There’s something missing in all the coverage this week about the Appeals Court of the Fourth Circuit ordering the father of a Marine who died in Iraq to pay $16,000 in court costs to the Westboro Baptist Church as he battles the church for conducting protests and picketing during the funerals of fallen soldiers. People …

Singer Ricky Martin comes out as gay

I just noticed on Twitter that Perez Hilton tweeted that Ricky Martin has come out as a gay man. Good for him! Here is Ricky Martin’s announcement that he is a gay man from his official Web site: A few months ago I decided to write my memoirs, a project I knew was going to …

Welcome, Rush-lanche! Thank you, Mark Steyn!

Welcome, new gentle readers who just heard me on “The Rush Limbaugh” show with Mark Steyn. Also, thank you, conservative gay Newsreal blogger, Mark Koenig (see DaTechGuy’s YouTube video of him from CPAC last month), for giving me the heads-up that Mark Steyn mentioned today he was inviting calls from conservative lesbians and gays. Here …