Most beautiful woman in heaven to me

Margaret Ardussi, a highly regarded teacher of the Transcendental Meditation program and a genius artist with water-based paints, was my life partner for over 20 years from Sept. 25, 1984, until her death due to complications of multiple sclerosis on Dec. 7, 2004, in our home under hospice care with me at her side. Margaret …

Earn it — do not say 'liberty' and 'all' until DADT is repealed AND gays have equality

The music in the video above is from Dvorak’s “New World” Symphony and is based on the gospel hymn, “Goin’ Home.” I am in the Bel Air Community Band and this is the music we play over and over during the “laying of the wreaths” ceremony for the fallen members of each military branch on …

Kathy, the REAL story is how much that liberal hates cripples

Kathy Shaidle tonight links a story of a Toronto couple, Geoff and Melissa Teehan, who are being blocked from razing an old house so they can build one that will be wheelchair-accessible because Melissa became quadriplegic due to a rare illness in 2007. Regular gentle readers know that my late life partner was quadriplegic the …

Photos of my heirloom tomatoes from September 2007

The little red cherry tomatoes are called Wild Cherry, or Matt’s Wild Cherry — they are one of my must-grows. The lone yellow cherry is my other cherry must-grow, Galina’s Yellow Cherry. The dusky ones are Black Cherry. The yellow-orange ones that look like cat’s eye sapphires are Isis Candy. In the plate of sliced …

The Republicans' new YouCut Web site crowdsources the work of restoring fiscal sanity to the federal budget

One of the most wonderful points economist Friedrich Hayek made in his book explaining how liberal/socialist policies are The Road to Serfdom is that under capitalism the market crowdsources how to solve economic challenges by allowing millions of people use their intelligence and ambition to solve the problems in front of them with great specifity. In …

Question for my gentle readers: What do you know about social conservatives who are fiscal liberals?

I frequently read about people who describe themselves as fiscal conservatives and social liberals. When I was a liberal, I did not know the real definition of either term, “fiscal conservative” and “social liberal.” I thought the combination meant, “I am prosperous but don’t like paying my fair share of taxes, however I do like …

Ex-ACORN worker exposes ACORN's 'stealth socialism'

In September 2009 Matthew Vadum introduced me to Marcel Reid, former national ACORN board member and president of DC ACORN. I only got to talk with her a few minutes but she changed my view of ACORN and the Left forever because she told me that ACORN fired her for believing its stated goals and …

A Conservative Lesbian confesses to her torrid affair with Will Folks

The time has come for me to confess my torrid affair in 2007 with South Carolina nut blogger, Will Folks. What? I have as much proof as he does for his claim of an affair with South Carolina Republican gubernatorial candidate, Nikki Haley. Now, some would say that Folks’ game plan is the same one …

UPDATED — THANK YOU ALL!!! Please donate to A Conservative Lesbian

My father’s emergency root canal has left us short $400 we need to raise by 4 pm, Friday, May 28, to make the May mortgage payment (since Monday, May 31, is a bank holiday). If you feel inspired to support this blog by helping me out with a financial donation, now is a good time to …

Hallelujah! Pastor Jeff Owens of Shenandoah Bible Baptist Church comes out as a proud gay …

… basher. Dan Savage has the story and videos of Pastor Owens exhorting his flock to “burn fags.” H/T: Little Green Footballs — yo!, Charles, it’s time to admit Hubert P. Yockey has demonstrated the origin of life is unknowable by any means using information theory and coding theory. Update, 5/24/2010, Mon.: I should have …