For night owls who feel groggy all day after a full night’s sleep

I know perfectly well the principle of ayurveda that one of the worst things I can do for my health is to go to bed after 10 pm. At both mid-day and midnight, the hours between 10 and 2 are pitta time — the natural principle associated with metabolism. Pitta is strongest at noon and …

Phyllis Chesler needs donors and subscribers to continue

Phyllis Chesler needs donors and subscribers to continue her work in the fight against anti-semitism and for equality for women everywhere — please go and read her post and donate — here is a sample: I have done the first and only major academic studies about honor killing; both appear in Middle East Quarterly and at …

UPDATED — If nominated, I will run, if elected …

I will serve. Update, 7/9/11: Click for Maryland’s requirements for filing to be a candidate for U.S. Senate. The deadlines haven’t been updated yet for the 2012 election, so I assume the final deadline for filing is early July 2012. So I am going to let my readers decide: if I can raise at least …

Obesity and sleep

Dear Attila is musing tonight on why people become overweight and proposes two explanations. I agree with her, but want to add a third — sleep deprivation. Luckily, the Los Angeles Times published a story this week explaining, “Lack of sleep contributing to obesity” (boldfacing mine): “You’re fighting against the tide to lose weight when …

Conservative arguments for gay equality

Yesterday evening I took my father to see our local minor league team, the Ironbirds, and when we got home we watched an episode of “Columbo,” one of my father’s favorite TV shows, through the magic of Wii and streaming Netflix. Dad loves how Peter Falk springs the trap on the murderer. I am saddened …

A convenient summary of why anthropogenic global warming is a hoax

Please read “Former ‘Alarmist’ Scientist Says Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGM) Based in False Science” by Bruce McQuain at Hot Air. Here’s the punchline: Evans reaches the natural conclusion – the same conclusion Lindzen reached: At this point, official “climate science” stopped being a science. In science, empirical evidence always trumps theory, no matter how much …

David Swindle on how to argue with a progressive

David Swindle is the editor of David Horowitz’s blog, Newsreal, and he recently had some very instructive fun with a progressive who applied to blog for Newsreal. I commented: David, I recommend always starting from axioms. The axioms of fiscal conservativism/classical liberalism are that individuals generate wealth from their own ideas when they can operate …

Condo blocking Staten Island mom from installing wheelchair lift is violating local law and the federal Fair Housing Amendments Act

Go and read — including the comments, please, since I’m one of the commenters — I had to learn a lot about disability rights law in order to advocate for my late life partner, because she was quadriplegic due to multiple sclerosis the last 10 years of her life — and we lived in a …

What to watch? The lesbian wedding on ‘Grey’s Anatomy,’ or the first Republican presidential debate?

Just kidding: lesbian wedding FTW. I figured out how to make YouTube playlists and for the last two weeks I’ve been singing to the clips from the musical show where Callie wakes up from her coma and her first words to Arizona were, “Yes, I will marry you.” Sorry, Fred. Update: I thought Fred Karger …

Why Sarah Palin will win in 2012

I’m sorry it’s been so long since my last post. I’m working on my health and creating a career that generates money. My weight loss program is coming along slowly, but surely — over 42 pounds lost so far. But I don’t like writing about the process — it feels better to keep that private. …