Update on Cuban Diva BFF's father

Cuban Diva BFF’s 84-year-old father was taken to the emergency room on Easter Sunday when an alert family member realized he had an infected wound that was getting worse rapidly. It turned out to be necrotizing fasciitis and the wound was in his groin, so an hour or so more of delay and he would probably not have made it.

As it was, he had two surgeries and was in ICU and on a ventilator (i.e., a tube was put down his throat so a machine could breathe for him and the tube would ensure his airway stayed open). Well, good news! He’s been off the ventilator for over a day and will be transferred to a regular hospital room as soon as one is available. He’ll have another week or so in the hospital.

Thank you to everyone who was praying or holding good thoughts for Cuban Diva BFF, her father and her family.

(I have Cuban Diva BFF’s permission to post this.)