End times nigh: Leftist gay blog publishes defense of GOProud

The ACU recently informed GOProud’s founders Jimmy LaSalvia and Christopher Barron that GOProud is not invited to participate in CPAC 2012. Jeremy Hooper writes at Good As You:

On policy, I disagree with them most always. But as long as there is a Republican party (/conservative wing of it) of which they want to be part, they shouldn’t be denied in any way on the basis of their sexual orientation/gender identity/expression. As long as there is a conservative political conference that they care to support, they shouldn’t be shut out solely because of who they are as people. And as long as groups like Focus on the Family keep bullying like this… [click to Good As You for the audio clip] … I will absolutely go to the mat for GOProud.

These are the first words of support for GOProud that I’ve read on a Leftist gay blog. I hope it is a harbinger of a greater willingness by Leftist gays to be open to ideological diversity and engage in conversation with conservative lesbians and gays. Leftist lesbian and gay equality activists have no idea that they need to listen to conservative lesbians and gays in order to make the arguments for gay equality that conservatives find persuasive.

2 replies on “End times nigh: Leftist gay blog publishes defense of GOProud”

  1. And let me guess what happens next: he gets called a selfloathingjewforhitlerquizling by i fascisti rosa.

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