UPDATED — THANK YOU ALL!!! Please donate to A Conservative Lesbian

My father’s emergency root canal has left us short $400 we need to raise by 4 pm, Friday, May 28, to make the May mortgage payment (since Monday, May 31, is a bank holiday). If you feel inspired to support this blog by helping me out with a financial donation, now is a good time to do so. If I receive more than that, I hope you don’t mind if I squander it on groceries and the supplies I need this week to plant my heirloom tomatoes.

I’m sure someone will be tempted to point out that I advertise Stuart Lichtman’s book, How to Get Lots of Money for Anything — Fast. (Click on the link in my ad below to check it out.) So shouldn’t I be coming up with another, better income source than asking for donations from people who enjoy my writing? Actually, I do have something in the works — I’ll announce it in June. In the meantime, PBS and NPR also monetize their product by providing it and then asking for donations, so I’m in good company.

To my donors, I thank you in advance for your generosity — may the universe multiply your gift for you at least ten-fold. I also thank all my dear gentle readers for giving me the treasure of your time when you visit here to read my blog.

Update, 5/27/2010, Thurs.: THANK YOU ALL!!! The mortgage, groceries and garden supplies are all covered. There’s even enough for a doctor’s visit and sonogram I have been coveting — I’ll explain soon since James Wolcott dragged me into the Graeme Frost/SCHIP debate via my post on Rand Paul and the Americans with Disabilities Act. I have to admit that I was so moved by the kindness and generosity of my dear fellow bloggers who passed the word along and by my dear gentle readers who rushed to my aid that I wept more than once.

May every donation and every prayer and good wish for me and my father be multiplied at least 10-fold by the prospering power of the universe through happy means, and may all of my donors, well-wishers, dear gentle readers and fellow bloggers be blessed with divine protection, divine guidance, enlightenment, prosperity, progress, success, healing and health, inspiration, courage and every form of good in your lives now and always.

I do have a plan for making money so I am self-supporting and not so vulnerable to financial emergencies — I will explain soon.

Also, I will write posts with photos about my progress with my heirloom tomato plants, patty pans squashes, herbs and flowers.

29 replies on “UPDATED — THANK YOU ALL!!! Please donate to A Conservative Lesbian”

  1. You should have a progress-meter. Nothing like crunch-time to get the adrenaline going!

  2. Good luck – you will be amazed at the people who will be happy to help out a writer whose stuff they enjoy and love. I had one of those moments a couple of years ago – and I was left astounded and humbled by the generosity of all those readers whom I barely knew that I had.

  3. maybe you should try getting a real job. blogging, apparently, won’t pay the rent.

  4. Many thanks Cynthia for getting me and many others on board in turning up the heat on Letterman for going after Palin’s daughter. Extra thanks is in your tip jar.

  5. Visited from Vodkapundit. It is a pleasure to be able to donate. I hope that your father is doing better. Take care.

  6. I threw a couple o’quid in the pot. Found your site recently, and hope to see you get through your crisis!

  7. Done. Hope my small contribution helps your dad.

    And I, too, have had a torrid affair with Will Folks. Granted, I’ve never met the man, but what are a few facts among friends?

    1. Stinky,

      I think we should all have torrid affairs with Will Folks.

      In fact, we should be making it absolutely clear to David Axelrod that the instant he and his ilk try this scheme again, the entire Right blogosphere will announce the sordid details of THEIR affairs with LibelBlogger XXX on their blogs, Twitter and Facebook and Google bomb the key words without ceasing in accordance with the Rule 5 gospel of Stacy McCain.



      Dear Stacy has updated his rules for “How to Get A Million Hits in a Year” and added Rule 6.

  8. I sent you a little tomato money. Post more pictures. Heirloom tomatoes look almost as well as they taste.

  9. Cynthia,

    I too am more than happy to donate, and I agree with Joe above…let’s see a little “tomato prOn”. 😉

    Ps…..I hear that Will Folks likes to get it on in the tomato patch!

    1. Ad rem,

      Tomato porn with be forthcoming!

      Actually, in the great outdoors, Will Folks likes to slather his naughty bits with honey and then straddle ant hills. Strange, but true.


  10. So glad to hear you made the money you needed! I hope James Wolcott donated something with his big mouth. It would be terrible if he had to learn that the people who helped out were the people he so hates.

  11. WOOT!!! Three cheers for your good fortune! 😀

    Redstate has a “red light special” claiming they know who paid Will Folks to smear Haley…..they’re not naming names yet…say they want the media to sweat.

  12. I don’t do Paypal, tweet, twit, on-line credit cards, or any of that stuff, so you’re out of luck before the end of the month. But if you email me a snail mail address, I’ll send you a check.

    1. George,

      Thank you! I just sent you an e-mail. For others who still feel inspired to hit the tip jar, I will be saving up additional donations for healthcare expenses, including dental work (a crown) and new glasses.

      The snail mail address is as follows:

      Cynthia Yockey
      P.O. Box 1049
      Bel Air, MD 21014

      Again, thank you!


      1. Ah wow, heard about your blog from vodkapundit and was reading when I saw this.. I’m from Bel Air too.. maybe instead of sending you money for a latte, I could talk you into buying you one instead. 😛

        My best to you and yours.. it is a small world. 🙂


        And just e-mail me when you’re ready for that latte.

    1. Mark Paquette,

      Prof. Reynolds is always very kind to me. I am grateful to Instapundit, Little Miss Attila, Moe Lane, The Other McCain, Kathy Shaidle and Dan Riehl for links in their blogs. I think Dan Collins and Jimmy Bise and Rhetorican also got busy on my behalf in the Twitterverse. I am working on tracking down everyone to thank.

      But I’m also pondering how to make a video for YouTube on how the instant, practical assistance that came to me from Right-wing bloggers and conservatives really contradicts the Left’s demonization of the Right, which it uses to keep gays frightened and in line — despite the contradiction that the Left embraces religions and cultures that are zealous about killing people for being gay.


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