Welcome, new gentle readers who just heard me on “The Rush Limbaugh” show with Mark Steyn. Also, thank you, conservative gay Newsreal blogger, Mark Koenig (see DaTechGuy’s YouTube video of him from CPAC last month), for giving me the heads-up that Mark Steyn mentioned today he was inviting calls from conservative lesbians and gays.
Here are some introductory posts:
- Obama is a sociopath and ridicule is his Kryptonite (I started on the theme over a year ago — Obama is destroying America on purpose, we have to stop giving him the benefit of our doubt that anyone would do this to America, the land of opportunity.)
- “Why Obamacare is a threat to marriage”
- “Gay marriage“: photos of my late life partner and me over the course of our 20-plus-year relationship.
- “Let’s have this discussion about homosexual equality in terms of the Constitution and let people love us or hate us as they see fit.” (This one responds to a controversial column Mark Koenig posted at Newsreal.)
Update, 3/29/2010, Mon.: Thank you for the post and link, Steve Schippert, at Wizbang, who proposes a new definition for a hitherto-unnoticed oppressed sexual minority:
It occurred to me that, in today’s age of political correctness, a term was missing from our collective vocabularies. I offer up the Voyeuristic Govosexual.
Voyeuristic Govosexual (n.) 1. One who takes pleasure in and promotes watching the government screw over targeted classes, groups, individuals and segments of American society.
We’ve identified voyeuristic govosexuals abound in our political discourse, from our president (“Wall Street fat cats”) to our vice president (“We will control the insurance companies”) to other elected officials and citizen activists. While not exclusive to Leftists, voyeuristic govosexualism is quite rare among Conservatives, where opportunity and individual Liberty are the centerpieces of debate and not governmental regulation, “redistribution of (someone else’s) wealth” or segmentation of society into various bitter groups.
I believe this brings the acronym for the sexual minority community up to LGBTQSVG: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, questioning, straight, voyeuristic govosexual.
I heard you Cynthia. You were great. You are a natural for radio (I am sure you are great on TV too), because you have a great radio delivery voice and inflection. Too bad Steyn had that hard break at the end, but I enjoyed your call in very much. I am sure Stacy appreciates the shout out you did because is
such a hamalways gracious.Ah……a new thread! Yep…great call…nice of you to mention Stacy too. Interesting to hear your voice for the first time… you sound much younger than 56 too. I thought I was listenting to some girl in her early twenties…..then heard you mention your blog, and I almost fell out of the chair!
I heard you! Great job!
WOW…there are more of us. It was awesome hearing you on my ride home. As a lesbian, I’m often looked at as having 3 heads because I’m a conservative. I’m someone who served proudly in the Navy for 14 years and I have lived all over the world. Because of that, I look at the world from a different perspective from most of my friends who are raging on fire libs. Luckily, most accept me for who I am but it is nice to know that I’m not alone in the conservative underbelly.
Thank you for your service to our country. I want to remind my dear liberal/Leftist gentle readers that the majority of conservatives now support the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” (DADT).
Welcome! You are NOT alone!
It was exciting to hear you on Rush’s show, with Mark Steyn. I turned to my husband and said “Hey, I KNOW her!” Well, that’s how I’ve felt since I started reading here, that you are one of my pals.
You did a great job!
Thank you! I had no idea that so many of my dear gentle readers listened to Rush. I’ll have to listen and call in more often.
Meg. Thank you for your service. I am a hetero breeder conservative member of the patriarchy. I support all patriots serving in the military. As Barry Goldwater used to say, “They just have to shoot straight.”
“They just have to shoot straight.”
Ha! funny. I never heard that one before!
I heard Cynthia too and had to disagree with her on one point…
Cynthia, you said something about capitalism being necessary to making it as a writer. Well, ultimately, yes. But remember JK Rowlings lived on the dole when she wrote the first Harry Potter book. She was on the dole for a LONG TIME. That dole $$ gave her the freedom to write her book(s) and then ultimately cash in on capitalism. So it was a combo of both.
Lil Miss Moffett,
Good point. In “A Room of One’s Own,” Virginia Woolf says that to succeed as a writer you need a room of your own and an independent income — and, for women, equality. But I had to deal with the U.S. social services system on behalf of my late life partner, who had multiple sclerosis and was too disabled to work when we met. It is not a benign or impartial system here. And the very first thing that I found appalling about it was its instant and vicious punishment of enterprise and thrift.
So while J.K. Rowling used the U.K.’s social safety net to lift herself up, I think vastly more people have found it a seductive trap and a barrier to fulfilling their full potential. And the financial burden of supporting them has removed a considerable amount of incentive to be more, do more and have more from everyone else. Seriously, economist Friedrich Hayek was right when he explained that socialism is The Road to Serfdom.
I think Rowling made it off the dole because her first royalty check was large enough to vault her over the barriers typical of welfare systems. However, most people have to start smaller and save to accumulate money over time. Our welfare system prohibits that, which is what makes it such a cruel trap.
Cynthia, you knocked it out of the ballpark today with Mark Steyn. I don’t always get to listen to Rush, but, I was stuck waiting in the jury pool for jury duty. I agree about your voice, inflection, and how young you sound. Of course, you will be viewed as some shill, but, those of us that have followed you know better. Add to your fabulous interview the fact that BigTolerance will be up and running soon, is SO exciting!
Thank you! I sound young?
Also, I hope to goodness Andrew Breitbart uses the name I suggested to him at CPAC last month instead of Big Tolerance. We are NOT after tolerance — we are seeking equality.
Yes, you sound young, and vibrant! I was reading whilst listening, and I did not connect the dots until you mentioned going to CPAC, then I knew it was you!
As for Andrew and BigTolerance, I think it will be the forerunner to equality. I think that in order to move forward to equality, we have to prove we are, in fact, the party of tolerance. How can we forge onward without clearly establishing our stance? I share Breitbart’s vision, and I hope we are not mistaken.
Congrats again!
Unfortunately, I did not hear the broadcast. But I find it interesting — and in a very good way — that you were on Rush Limbaugh’s program.
I’m assuming this means that Mr. Limbaugh does not (as his critics allege) have any real problem with gay people per se. I’m always working during his broadcast, so that’s the reason I don’t ordinarily hear it. Please excuse any ignorance on my part as stemming from a lack of exposure.
It seems to me that most mainstream conservatives object not to us as ourselves, but to those of us who are liberals. Just as they have nothing against African-Americans per se, but distrust Black liberals, etc. Am I guessing right, here?
If that is indeed the case, then you are doing a valuable service for us all in showing how many colors there ARE in that rainbow of ours. My kudos to you, and congratulations on your successful broadcast experience.
.-= Lori Heine´s last blog ..Tea Party in the Cafeteria =-.
Lori Heine,
I don’t usually listen to the radio because we don’t get good reception in the house and I haven’t developed the habit of listening to radio over the Internet. So I am not as familiar with Mr. Limbaugh’s show as I should be. However, I did enjoy his speech at CPAC last year. Today Mark Steyn was sitting in as guest host and my friend, Mark Koenig, was listening when he was talking about the accusations of bigotry being hurled at the Tea Partiers and said it would be great if a gay conservative would call in. Mark was at work, so he called me to suggest that I call in.
What fiscal conservatives dislike and distrust is liberalism/Leftism, period — and with good reason. Leftism is about the destruction of capitalism and the establishment of the control of the state over every detail of every individual’s life.
I see social conservatives as being a coalition of members of the Mormon Church, the Catholic Church and the evangelical Protestant churches (both black and white). The people who are social conservatives fall into three different groups, the first two of which are not open to any type of persuasion regarding homosexual equality: the leaders, who seek power, money and status — they oppose homosexual equality, equality for women, abortion and birth control because they want more and more members for their religion who will increase their power, wealth and status; outer-directed people whose morality is dependent on an external set of rules and the orders of people whose status is higher than theirs; the idealistic faithful, who are inner-directed and genuinely good people who love their God, their faith and their religious community and work to make the world a better place. We can talk to the idealistic faithful, especially if we have the discussion in terms of showing how homosexual equality is consistent with conservative ideals of liberty, the separation of church and state, smaller government and the benefits of having more people in stable, committed relationships.
I’m a Rush 24/7 subscriber so when I’m at home I listen to his show on the Internet. Today I was blogging when Mark took your call. You did a great job, Cynthia!
.-= Kim Priestap´s last blog ..Henry Waxman is not happy with companies that announced ObamaCare writedowns =-.
Kim Priestap,
Thank you!
Cynthia you rocked! I was so excited to hear someone on the radio that I knew – or at least feel like a know from reading your blog. It was great to hear a conservative gay/lesbian person speaking up to be counted too.
I remember when I came to my senses and returned to my conservative roots. It was much harder than coming out of the closet ever was and cost me more friends! I think I’ve lost count of how many supposedly open minded and tolerant liberal friends I’ve lost or been defriended by on Facebook because of my politics. I just don’t understand why? It doesn’t bother me that they’re raging, misguided Marxists.
It’s always nice to know one isn’t alone, so keep up the good work!
.-= KevinQC´s last blog ..Misguided Sense Of Loyalty? =-.
Thank you! I’m really tickled by all the commenters here who feel like they know me from reading the blog and were psyched to hear me on the radio.
On your second point, I’m going to be writing more on how we need to speak to liberals/Leftists to get them to see the light. All the conservatives I read, see or hear are using arguments that are true, but either are meaningless to Lefties or cause them to cling to their point of view more out of fear and their inability to see where to go. The thing about using a carrot-and-stick approach to persuasion is that with the stick, people will just run away from it in any direction and you have no idea which way they’ll go. However, when you use the carrot, you know exactly where they will go. We need to switch from the stick to the carrot. So I’ll be talking about the carrots that I think will work.
I think you’re right Cynthia. After all – it was the carrot of rational, thoughtful analysis and argument that cleared my head.
What I am afraid of is that there is such a fundamental disconnect between Left & Right (I really don’t like those terms, they’re a bit too general) over the United States’ founding principles and what they mean that I often feel like I’m speaking Apache to my liberal/left friends.
.-= KevinQC´s last blog ..Misguided Sense Of Loyalty? =-.
Stay tuned, I’m about to kick things up a notch to address that speaking-a-different-language dilemma with Leftists.
Too bad I missed hearing it, I’ll look around for a transcript. I used to listen to Rush, for ten years or more, my increasing deafness has put the kibosh on that.
.-= Peter´s last blog ..Grimmest Economic News Yet! =-.
If you find a transcript, please let me know.
Just now listening to Mark Steyn’s opening segment on Rush’s show (3/30/10). Pretty sure he must’ve read your 3/29 post on Ricky Martin’s announcement .
Eagerly awaiting a transcript link of your phone call !
I heard you with Mark Steyn. Great call. It is a shame that the media is used as a propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. I’m glad you were there to set the record to rights.
You got through to Mark on Rush???? How effing awesome is that? Love love love Mark Steyn. I’m so bummed I missed this (I’m at work when Rush is on) I bet you were great!
Straight to the big time from here on out!
Thank you for your words of encouragement! I’ve gotten wonderful feedback and I’m so grateful to my readers! One result is that a listener suggested I should start a Facebook fan page. There must be some interest because I had my first fan before I finished with all the settings!
I hate Facebook but I’m a Cynthia fan.
.-= Peter´s last blog ..Grimmest Economic News Yet! =-.
Thank you! I’m a Peter fan — I think I might have figured out how to link your blog in my newsfeed — it’s just that no headlines will show.
Hi Cynthia, I’m a middle aged white, misogynistic, racist, red neck, bible thumping, pick up driving, gun toting, bigoted homophobe. Or so I’ve been told. Heard ya on Limbaugh and said “right on”…”gotta check out her blog.” Seriously, I’m currently straight as an arrow(experimented with some things a little in my youth) and would like to think I will remain that way. And I am also a devout Christian, although my attitudes often clash with the church.
What I’ve been able to gather from the Bible is that God doesn’t seem as if he cares much for homosexual behavior. But in all my years of reading the book I’ve yet to find where it says that I am to adopt the same attitude. On the contrary, what I take away is that I, as a Christian, am to treat every human being the same with compassion, respect & love.
For the last few years what I have been trying to impress on people is that there are whack jobs in any group, culture or faction. Although there are whack job conservatives many, many more are just simply folks that “Get It!”. I truly believe that fiscal responsibility, common sense and truth cross the bounds of gender, race, religion or sexual preference.
Not long after your call, on a different show I was listening to, a lady called in and said she was a Female, Hispanic, Lesbian, Tea Party member. I hope you have started a trend! So, I’m really glad you were able to get on the show. I enjoyed listening to you chat with Mark and I’m sure I will enjoy reading your blog in the future.
God Bless you.
Bill Humphreys,
Thank you for sharing your story and your kind praise!