'The 30 most important cats of 2009'

I saw this linked at Ace of Spades HQ and loved it — if you check out the link, my personal favorites are the musical cats, #8 and #1, and I’d love to hear about your nominees. The direct link is here. I’m sorry for the light posting this week — I am taking an …

Charles Johnson outraged that a Democrat's photo attempt to prove Obama ever had a real job before becoming president is a PhotoShop

Really. He’s threatening legal action and everything. Ace has the story. [Shoulders shaking, church guffaw about to burst out.] Update, 1/2/2010, Sat.: Patterico, too: but ask dear Little Miss Attila, who also explains here why he might not be buying her a drink at this year’s CPAC.

'Barack Obama is manufacturing conservatives at a clip unparalled in history'

This post is for Liz, a commenter who asked me today for an easy way to keep track of books I recommend, which I am providing by creating a new category and tag, “Books I recommend.” Here’s how I think Liz came by her request: Roger Simon published a post on January 1 about a …

Bookworm explains how San Francisco became Potterville

OK, just to make sure, even though we are still in the It’s a Wonderful Life season, I want to remind my allusion-impaired gentle readers that if Jimmy Stewart’s character lived, because of his virtuous actions, his hometown of Bedford Falls would remain clean and wholesome. However, if he had never been born, then it …

Movin' on up — Stacy McCain has classy new digs

Congratulations to my dear friend, Stacy McCain, on moving his blog, The Other McCain, from Blogger to TheOtherMcCain.com as a self-hosted WordPress blog. At last! My trackbacks will get through and FINALLY justice will be done on FMJRA days! Oh, wait — I should be thinking about how nice this will be for Stacy and …

Hubert P. Yockey says it's time for science to change its nomenclature to 'Darwin's Laws of Evolution' rather than 'Darwin's Theory of Evolution'

As my regular gentle readers know, my father is Hubert P. Yockey, the nuclear physicist whose scientific papers and books have been seminal in the field of applying information theory and coding theory to molecular biology, the origin of life and evolution. The driving intention of my father’s work in this field has been to …

Thank you to everyone who voted for me for Gay Patriot's Grande Conservative Blogress Diva

Congratulations to Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs for her victory as Gay Patriot’s Grande Conservative Blogress Diva 2010! I am so glad I got to meet her last year at CPAC and tell her in person how much I admire her courage. Neoneocon was second and I am not familiar with her writing, but I …