Obama tells gays at HRC dinner he will get DOMA and DADT repealed and ENDA passed when hell freezes over

Obama told homosexuals to go to hell right to their faces tonight at the Human Rights Campaign banquet, and they gave him standing ovations (H/T Memeorandum). Andrew Sullivan stopped trying to find Trig Palin’s real mother long enough to sum up Obama’s flimflammery in his HRC speech: But the sad truth is: he [Obama] is …

Obama Prevarication Predictor: Homosexual equality march on Oct. 11 edition

My Obama Prevarication Predictor says that whenever a consensus develops that poses an obstacle to something Obama wants, within 72 hours he will say whatever the group blocking him wants to hear but with no intention of actually delivering on what he says, but rather the intention of getting his opponents to relax, stop paying …

UPDATED: Robert Stacy McCain is a lousy racist and a terrible bigot (NOT!)

My headline would be MUCH better if I could have created urgency to click on this post by leaving out the “(NOT!).” But I know better than to trust the Left, having so recently resided there. I do not want anyone to have an excuse to put my name to a phrase saying Stacy is …

Gays! Lesbians! What this means is, Obama NEVER will support homosexual equality

John Aravosis at Americablog summarizes Obama’s broken promises — aka lies — to the gay and lesbian community about supporting homosexual equality, repealing the Defense of Marriage Act and “don’t ask, don’t tell,” which would take half an hour tops for the Democratic-majority Congress to pass and messenger to Obama to sign. If, say, they …

Republican candidate in Virginia supports homosexual equality

Over the last year I’ve started to see the Democratic party as an organization that makes promises to idealistic people that it doesn’t intend to keep in order to get their support. Now I’m not surprised that I couldn’t cash in any Democrat/liberal promises like wheelchair access to an annual lesbian event for my life …

So now we're the LGBTQS community

While most conservatives have a stereotype of gays and lesbians as being among the minorities that try to achieve power through their status as victims, this overlooks the reality that being second-class citizens who often are ostracized from their own families — which does NOT happen to racial, religious and ethnic minorities, because, come on, …

No equality for me despite an ancestor that served at Valley Forge with Washington

It is Memorial Day and I do wish to honor all the members of our armed services, living and dead. But I am going to have to start insisting on having me all of that equality they talked about today that every other citizen has, and, frankly, practically every illegal alien, too. I attend Memorial …

My civil dialogue with Gay Patriot on same-sex marriage and marriage equality for lesbians and gays

Gay Patriot has a post from May 18 about Carrie Prejean, same-sex marriage and civil dialogue — my comment in reply is so long that I am posting it here first: The rights that come with legally-recognized marriage are so many and various that it will never be possible to stipulate all of them in …

Oh noes!!! I lost my gay agenda!!!

moar funny pictures Gentle readers, with all the talk about Miss California and gay marriage and the gay agenda over the past 10 days, I realized I hadn’t looked at my gay agenda in ages. I thought I’d better dig it out and read it again because I don’t remember it saying anything like what …

What SHE said

No, no, no — not Miss California, whose remarks opposing gay marriage were not all that polite after they were translated into all their death-dealing ramifications for the lives of lesbians and gays. It is the lesbians and gays who understood that translation who have gotten all snippy this week. I mean libertarian lesbian blogger …