UPDATED: There’s an easy, cheap way to get illegal immigrants to self-deport

Note: I’m sorry I’ve been away for so long and I’ve missed my dear gentle readers. I think I have my health issues sorted out now and will explain more about that, soon. Now that I am well enough to work, I am finally able to create a career that will generate the income required …

The REAL reason lesbians and gays on the Left support amnesty

Dear Mark Koenig drew my attention to a post at Newsreal aimed at smearing gays and lesbians as supporting amnesty for illegal aliens as their contribution to the Left’s conspiracy to destroy the U.S. as a capitalistic, Constitutional democratic republic and make it a totalitarian Communistic state — which is, of course, MUCH worse than …

The stealth immigration policy intended to change the ethnic composition of the U.K.

I have more unpolitically-correct thoughts on immigration reform, based on the hatred and contempt I experienced at the hands of illegal and legal immigrants as they overwhelmed predominantly white Montgomery County, Maryland, which is contiguous to Washington, D.C., starting in the mid-1980’s with Pres. Reagan’s ill-conceived illegal alien amnesty. I lived in Silver Spring, Maryland, …