Interesting News Items has the scoop on The Joker’s vow: “I’m hounded by the cops and Batman and now my trademarked characteristics are used to belittle a man whose political style I respect. This is too mean-spirited.” Little Miss Attila supplies background and perspective on the aptness of The Joker as Obama metaphor. The Anchoress …
Tag Archives: Humor
Happy birthday, Mr. President, we'll be celebrating with LOTS of Tea Parties
Where is the singer who can get Pres. Obama to say what Marilyn Monroe inspired Pres. Kennedy to say after she sang?:
Government-Americans lash out at limits looming in new era of Big Voter
Guest bloggers at Iowahawk’s tell a tale of woe of the Big Voter booboisie on the march in ever-increasing numbers with the goal of limiting their rights as Government-Americans: Certainly, legislators and government officials have always had to deal with the annoyance of obtrusive constituents. But there was always a belief that somehow, between election …
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E-mails from crazy people
There’s a rule in my family, “Never argue with a crazy person.” That’s because their reality is so different and they don’t know when they’ve been beaten, so it’s just a waste of time. Well, somehow that rule was on my mind today when I was browsing the FAIL blog and I found out they …
Carrie Prejean to sue Miss California organization for libel and stuff
Perez Hilton has posted at his Web site an image of the first page of a lawsuit slated to be filed on Friday, July 31, on behalf of Carrie Prejean. Miss Prejean was fired from her position as Miss California USA by pageant owner Donald Trump in June. Now Prejean is suing K2 Productions, which …
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Gates' arrest tell-all documentary 'Asshole Like Me' to debut in the Douchebag Room at the Harvard Faculty Club
Iowahawk’s guest blogger Professor John Evans Evans-John of the Harvard School of Harvard Faculty Asshole Studies has a heart-wrenching column on the plight of his fellow minority member, Prof. Henry Louis Gates, who was arrested for … well, go read it and see if you aren’t outraged, too.
We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, Mary Jo
Just so all you young whippersnappers know, it’s been 40 years this month since Sen. Ted Kennedy drove off a bridge on Chappaquidick Island in Masschusetts late at night after a party and left a young staffer, Mary Jo Kopechne, behind in the car to drown. The analysis of his motives was epitomized by this …
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So now we're the LGBTQS community
While most conservatives have a stereotype of gays and lesbians as being among the minorities that try to achieve power through their status as victims, this overlooks the reality that being second-class citizens who often are ostracized from their own families — which does NOT happen to racial, religious and ethnic minorities, because, come on, …
Cuban Diva BFF on Sotomayor
moar funny pictures “Is it over, yet? I am so DONE with her!” Just so you know, Cuban Diva BFF is a wise Latina woman from Manhattan who does NOT favor Sotomayor’s nomination to the Supreme Court. (Even as I type, she is in mid-rant providing considerable detail about how Sotomayor’s story was not nearly …
The magic spell that will save your marriage
I adore The Bloggess and she has been the subject of laudatory posts I’ve written here and here. Yesterday she wrote about a fight she had with her husband, who sounds like a wonderful man if you follow her blog, and I could not resist giving her the following advice in the comments: OK, here …
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