BREAKING: Redskins’ owner announces new name for Washington’s football team

Washington Redskins owner Daniel Snyder announced today he is bowing to pressure from Pres. Obama and Native American activists and is changing his football team’s name to the Washington Corruption. The new symbol of the team will be the White House and the team’s mascot will be a caricature version of Obama. Fans may show …

Horse riding fitness gizmo

It really just sells itself, doesn’t it? I should definitely get one for … my abs. From the YouTube description: From Korea, for those who like to ride the horse in front of TV and in home comfort of their own space. For all family member, this home mechanical equestrian system will meet for all …

In 2012 you can still be fired in 29 states due to your race or religion

Did I say you legally can be fired in 29 states in America due to your race or religion? Dang. I meant sexual orientation. You can be fired because you are gay, no matter how well you are doing your job, in 29 states. In America. While Obama is president and head of the Democratic …

Rejoicing in tiny karmic miracles

Consider the paradoxes in the following sequence of events: Presidential candidate and Republican governor of Texas, Rick Perry, releases a TV ad attacking the honor of lesbian and gay service members, saying, ““I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m a Christian, but you don’t need to be in the pew every Sunday to know there’s …

Buddy Chopra now dispensing wisdom at Interesting News Items

Dear Ling Carter welcomes Deepak Chopra’s younger brother as his new co-blogger: Recall how Yama, the lord of death, came to visit the widow Patel, who lived alone threshing grain and fielding service calls for Microsoft. Yama tempted her with four gold coins if Patel would curse her fate and renounce acceptance. But Patel tricked …

The eight amendments to the Constitution proposed by Obama

Did I say Obama? My bad. I meant social conservative and Republican governor of Texas, Rick Perry. Gabriel Malor reports that such is Perry’s reverence for the Constitution, he has proposed eight amendments to it so far in his campaign for president. What they have in common is that they would clear the way for social … explains ‘why so many vehemently anti-gay politicians and religious leaders are creepy sexual deviants’

Because: Experiments show power and hypocrisy are linked in the brain [snip] No matter how the researcher went about instilling the feelings of power, the results were the same: Within minutes, a feeling of power flips a switch in the brain that says, “The rules now do not apply to me. BRING ME A WHORE.” …