Discovery of an amino acid in a comet says NOTHING about the origin of life

moar funny pictures Instapundit has linked a story about the discovery of the amino acid glycine in a comet. This is supposed to support the hypotheses that amino acids in solution through the laws of physics and chemistry one day linked up and voila! life originated AND that we don’t have to worry our pretty …

When the choice people have is between their own death and the death of capitalism, I'm thinking the majority will choose for capitalism to die

I work in the bedroom next to my father’s so I heard him get up last Thursday morning, the clunk of his shoes as he got dressed, then the whir of the stair lift as he rode downstairs. Then I heard him open the door and go out for the newspaper and to sample the …

Oh, what a beautiful morning!

It was such a sparkling morning early this morning that I had my father sit on the porch to enjoy the view of the trees and clear blue sky. He is an expert birdwatcher and enjoyed seeing male and female cardinals fly back and forth across my heirloom tomato garden and perch on the deer …

Drop it, G.O.P.! Intelligent Design IS re-branded Creationism

Social conservatives and Republicans who support the propaganda that Intelligent Design is scientific are destroying the credibility of the G.O.P. as a supporter of the scientific method, just as Charles Johnson says today (and almost every day) at Little Green Footballs. This matters because fiscal conservatives must use science to defeat the specious science used …

Pretty much everyone is some kind of creationist except my father

(NOTE: It would be very helpful if some of y’all would click the “Donate” button to help me buy about $100 in materials I’d like to use to explain the coding theory you need to know to understand why the origin of life is an axiom of biology just as the origin of matter is …

Why wind energy blows

I hate wind turbines and the entire wind power gestalt with the fusion-powered hatred of a thousand suns. They are eyesores, expensive and unreliable. And I don’t think anyone has studied the impact they will have on bird and insect populations. This is especially important when bees are affected. They pollinate our food. If they …