Obama's new two-part plan for Afghanistan

Prof. Jacobson at Legal Insurrection has some pointed questions for Obama about his plans for the war in Afghanistan: And what about the Obama administration’s new strategy announced last March: “Today, I am announcing a comprehensive, new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan. And this marks the conclusion of a careful policy review, led by Bruce …

Obama has finally found a war he is determined to win and a foe for whom he has preconditions before he will negotiate — Fox News

You know how Gov. Sarah Palin keeps pointing out that Obama is allergic to the words “victory” and “win” when it comes to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Or any conflict where democracy and capitalism are threatened? And you remember how Obama has declared he will negotiate with terrorist and totalitarian regimes without pre-conditions? …

Obama chooses negotiating with raging wildfires instead of raging queens

Obama enraged homosexuals on Saturday when he failed to set a deadline, or state any kind of timetable, to keep his campaign promises of enacting legislation that would bring homosexuals closer to first-class citizenship: repealing the Defense of Marriage Act and “don’t ask, don’t tell,” and enacting the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. When presented with the …

UPDATEDx2 — Genius Artist DC and I marched in the National Equality March on Oct. 11

Updated, 10/12/09: I just added part 2 of Julian Bond’s speech. There’s still no posting on YouTube of Michelle Clunie’s speech. Also, welcome dear PUMAs from Stray Dogs that Amble In: Part IV — the dismissal of the hundreds of thousands of participants in yesterday’s National Equality March as the “Internet left fringe” by a …

Obama awarded Nobel prize in economics

Stockholm, October 12 — Nobel Committee spokesman, Torvald Helmer, announced this morning that U.S. President Barack Obama has been awarded the 2009 Nobel prize in Economics. “First we want to beg journalists to remember the time difference between Stockholm and Washington, D.C. Please embargo this story in the U.S. until 7 am Eastern Time,” Mr. …

Obama tells gays at HRC dinner he will get DOMA and DADT repealed and ENDA passed when hell freezes over

Obama told homosexuals to go to hell right to their faces tonight at the Human Rights Campaign banquet, and they gave him standing ovations (H/T Memeorandum). Andrew Sullivan stopped trying to find Trig Palin’s real mother long enough to sum up Obama’s flimflammery in his HRC speech: But the sad truth is: he [Obama] is …

A beautiful day with my father

Somehow I didn’t hear about Obama’s being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize yesterday until almost 11 am, right before we had to leave for my father’s check-up at the cardiologist. I didn’t believe it at first and we were 15 minutes late to the doctor because I had to go online to check my newsfeed …

Obama Prevarication Predictor: Homosexual equality march on Oct. 11 edition

My Obama Prevarication Predictor says that whenever a consensus develops that poses an obstacle to something Obama wants, within 72 hours he will say whatever the group blocking him wants to hear but with no intention of actually delivering on what he says, but rather the intention of getting his opponents to relax, stop paying …

Jon Stewart tells president who boasted of being able to walk and chew gum when he was a senator that there's no such thing as having so much on his plate that he can't repeal 'don't ask, don't tell' now

From Althouse, via Instapundit. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c The Gay After Tomorrow www.thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Ron Paul Interview