D.C. Tea Party was AWESOME! Estimated TWO MILLION served! (UPDATED: 1.2 million)

Margaret and I participated in a number of gay rights/homosexual equality and pro-choice marches on Washington in the 1980’s and 1990’s in Washington, D.C., and I have NEVER been in such a densely packed march as the 9/12 Tea Party march today! Within minutes I got separated from the women I rode down with in the Harford County bus caravan –12 buses! — and the crowd was so thick I couldn’t see them or easily walk back and forth to find them.

So I just walked around on my own until it was time to go back to the bus at 3 pm, which was a pain, because around 2:30 pm Stacy McCain called to say he had press credentials for me, then we spent 20 minutes on our cell phones as he guided me through the crowd and maze of plastic crowd control fences the Park Police had set up. When I finally found him and got the press pass to hang around my neck it was like have a magic crowd-parting talisman, providing I said the magic spell, “Press! Excuse me!” although this was slow going because people didn’t have much of any place to move to, even with the magic talisman and spell, especially in the area near the stage, where I had to go because that’s where the press table was.

I mostly just took photos of picket signs I liked AND of people in wheelchairs and scooters, who I have never seen in such numbers at any event, ever. I love them for Margaret’s sake and one woman on a scooter was the highlight of my day.

I’ll post photos tomorrow and there will be lots if I can figure out how to batch process them.

On the bus coming home I asked my march buddies Barbara, Valerie and Beth what was the most inspiring part of the march for them. Barbara said it was the people. Does that sound trivial? It is not. It is the central and most important experience of marching as a group for a cause. That was my experience in the gay rights marches — you never feel completely alone and powerless again after you have seen and heard and felt the power of being surrounded by a sea of like-minded people AND shouted to the world that you intend to change it — especially in THAT place in D.C. on the Mall with the obelisk of the Washington Monument at one end and the majesty of the Capitol Building at the other. It makes your heart sing! It fills you with determination to work for your goal and press on to victory. And it gives you faith that the crowd you are in today will act like a magnet to draw more in because it encourages so many others to step forward and join.

Good night and I send love and hugs, gentle readers — I am walking on sunshine!

Update, 9/13/09: Via Michelle Malkin I found Nice Deb’s copiously illustrated takedown of Media Matters’ claims the number of marchers was far less than the 1.2 million estimated by the Park Police, who have had a LOT of practice at estimating the size of crowds and are very systematic about it because there is always a headcount war. I’ve been in several marches on Washington and this was the most densely packed crowd of people I’ve ever experienced.

This 9/11

With this post I add my voice to the chorus of patriots who are observing this 9/11 by remembering Al Qaida’s attack on the U.S. at the World Trade Center in New York City, the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania and the plane that crashed into the Pentagon. I could not see the smoke from the Pentagon from our Silver Spring eighteenth floor condo because we faced north, but I saw it from the condo of my neighbor across the hall.

I was a Realtor then and my manager’s ex-husband worked at the Pentagon. He was knocked from his chair by the impact of the plane.

Maryland is a magnet for illegal immigrants, partly because of the ease with which they can obtain driver’s licenses here, which I think is why some of the 9/11 terrorists lived near us in Beltsville. They bought doughnuts from a bakery there where a friend worked, and when she and her boyfriend were moving to California and I took them to the Verizon Wireless store to buy them cell phones for the journey, the salesman told us the 9/11 terrorists had purchased their cell phones at that store.

These little brushes are like a feather compared to the losses of the people who died and their families, and the people on the scene at the time and during the clean-up. But they are enough on this day to concentrate my mind on my love of America and my gratitude to the persons who protect and defend it as their profession.

Tres Leches Cake for Cuban Diva BFF

Cuban Diva BFF is first generation Cuban-American — I know, what gave it away? — and she LOVES Mexican food. I do not know if she will love the recipe from The Pioneer Woman for Mexican Tres Leches Cake, but I am bringing it up because I have a humorous piece all set and ready to go if she will only get busy and translate part of it into Spanish. So I am hoping a nice piece of cake — drat! I just remembered she is allergic to one of the ingredients. And she’s not crazy about desserts. And she reads every word of this blog. Oh, well — I’ll think of something to inspire her. Meanwhile, The Anchoress says this cake is heavenly, and I trust her judgment.

Update, 9/13/09: Cuban Diva BFF reports that she LOVES this cake, allergy-be-darned!

UPDATED — Eleven buses and counting from Bel Air to the 9/12 Tea Party in D.C.

I set the DVR just before Obama’s Hail Mary healthcare reform speech to Congress was going to start and took a short drive to Tony Passaro’s house. I had to give him my check for $30 to reserve a seat on the bus caravan Tony is organizing to attend the 9/12 Tea Party in Washington, D.C.

I am on bus FREAKING 11! The buses seat 54 each and there were 10 seats remaining when I left at 8:30 pm after a nice chat. That means Tony has organized transportation for 584 people from the Maryland county that is the birthplace of John Wilkes Booth — our contribution to the nation’s heritage — to attend the 9/12 Tea Party and protest against Obamacare. I will not be surprised if Tony is able to fill up the eleventh bus AND one or two more.

The place to find buses from grassroots organizations coming to the 9/12 Tea Party is here.

Update, 9/11/09: Now it’s 12 buses from Harford County and the Cecil Whig reports five busloads of people will be heading to the event from Cecil County, Maryland, which is the next county east. Hot Air reports Democrats are trying to raise expectations to two million attendees to position themselves to disparage the turnout if it is less. I don’t know if any of the organizations participating realized that it is smart to commission an independent count and not rely on the one the Park Service will do. There’s always a headcount war.

I just checked — a count of two million would require attendance by 41,666.666 persons from each of the lower 48 states. I think the two million estimate is off by at least one order of magnitude. I’ll be happy if we have 20,000 and very impressed if we have 100,000 to 200,000 at the Tea Party in D.C.

Rain is predicted — I bought a red, white and blue golf umbrella and international orange poncho this afternoon. If it looks like it might be nippy, my down coat is too small, so I’ll be wearing Margaret’s magenta down jacket and a beige baseball cap. I won’t carry a sign because I’ll need both hands to take photos and video and write notes. (My brother and his son will spend the day with Dad.)

Today’s encouraging news is that Obama’s advice to get in people’s faces and call them out when they lie is worthwhile because after immigration attorney and Republican Congressman Joe Wilson followed it and called out, “You lie!” during Obama’s health care speech on Wednesday (9/9), Democrats now see the merit of amending Obamacare so that you must prove your citizenship to participate — although it should still be voted down in its entirety because it doesn’t include any of the measures that would really reform health care and health insurance. Michelle Malkin has a brief history and Legal Insurrection explains the proposals in Obamacare regarding illegal aliens here, here and here.

Another encouraging news story today is that Obama has thrown ACORN under the bus and cut its ties with the Census Bureau, thus severing its participation in conducting the census, thanks to stories on two succeeding days from Andrew Breitbart’s new Web site BigGovernment. It reminds me of Japan’s capitulation in World War II after Hiroshima and Nagasaki — they didn’t know how many more bombs we had and Truman promised that if they temporised about surrender, we would “rain down upon them destruction the likes of which the world has never seen.” Obama is in a superb position to know how dirty ACORN is, but he does NOT know how many more of those undercover videos Andrew Breitbart has. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Obama's in the house — quick, count the spoons

What an epic prevarication-fest Obama’s healthcare reform speech to Congress was! I’ll link to others who have covered it tomorrow, including my favorite moment, the outraged cry, “You lie!” when Obama claimed Obamacare will not cover illegal aliens.

It was very decent of Obama to rile up the conservative base that way just before our 9/12 Tea Party in Washington, D.C. Why, if there were conservatives who felt apathetic about opposing Obamacare, and the mad rush to enact healthcare reform that won’t be put into action until 2013 — by which time Obama almost certainly will STILL not have found the church in D.C. where he wants to worship because SOME decisions are so important they require that amount of time and deliberation — then Obama succeeded in getting them fired up! Ready to go!

Update, 9/10/09:

Dan Collins has the best and funniest summary of Obama’s speech here and points out even the AP fact-checked Obama’s speech.

Prof. William Jacobson explains that Obama was indeed lying when he claimed the healthcare reform he is pushing will not cover illegal aliens. He also has video of Pres. Bush getting booed at Obama’s inauguration AND a transcript showing Democrats booed and hissed their way through Pres. Bush’s 2005 State of the Union speech. So the Democrats’ double standard about respect for the office of the presidency is intact and fully operational.

I found the video below at Gateway Pundit of the moment when South Carolina Congressman Joe Wilson shouted, “You lie!,” to Obama when he was lying about his healthcare reform package not covering illegal aliens. The video also includes Obama lying that his healthcare reform would not create death panels that would ration care to the elderly — does he think we can’t hear or see his advisor, Ezekiel Emanuel, M.D., or make sense of the bill ourselves? See Gateway Pundit for additional links on Obama’s death panels denial and Gov. Sarah Palin’s response. Gateway Pundit also goes into detail on the AP’s fact-checking of Obama’s speech.

Gays! Lesbians! What this means is, Obama NEVER will support homosexual equality

John Aravosis at Americablog summarizes Obama’s broken promises — aka lies — to the gay and lesbian community about supporting homosexual equality, repealing the Defense of Marriage Act and “don’t ask, don’t tell,” which would take half an hour tops for the Democratic-majority Congress to pass and messenger to Obama to sign. If, say, they really wanted to. Which they don’t. And never will:

But today [9/3/09] we have word from the Democrats that this year is a bad time to lift the ban on gays in the military, and next year won’t work because — as Joe and I predicted repeatedly — it’s a congressional election year, and keeping the Democrats’ civil rights promises may anger the religious right (duh), the Dems are now telling us. So the next two years won’t work for Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (and apparently any other gay rights promise). Of course, that means that the next year, 2011, won’t work either, because it is the beginnings of the presidential primaries, and the year after that won’t work, 2012, since it’s a presidential election year and a congressional election year.

That means that the President and the Congress might keep the civil rights promises to tens of millions of gay and lesbian Americans some time in 2013, assuming Obama wins re-election or another Democrat takes his place. That of course assume that we aren’t facing another economic crisis, or are fighting a war, or have the need to pass some other large piece of legislation — then the gays may have to wait until 2017, provided another Democrat wins the presidency, and the nation has no other important issues to address for a while.

Are there THAT many lesbians and gays who NEVER lied to get laid that they don’t realize what happened to them last November?

So, lesbians and gays, the more of you who realize the Left just wants you as slaves and ornaments and cash cows, the better, and sooner, rather than later. The Right respects individuality AND has this nice big tent just waiting for you to move in and make it FABULOUS.


Your first clue that Obama would never keep any promises to the gay and lesbian community was the revelation n March 2008 that he’d spent 20  years in Rev. Wright’s church — his first allegiance is to anti-gay black ministers and their congregations. Listen to Al Sharpton more carefully and you’ll see he’s disappearing all the colors of the Rainbow Coalition but his own. Read up a little on Black Liberation Theology.

Next in importance is Obama’s allegiance to Muslims and illegal immigrants, who bring the double whammy of being anti-gay and predominantly coming from cultures that regard women as property. There are more of them than there are of you, so your priorities always will be pushed to the indefinite future. That way Obama and the Democrats can continue to exploit you forever while deceiving you into believing you have nowhere else to go. Well, you do! Seriously, stop behaving like battered spouses — just drop off the key, Lee, and get yourself free.

Because your/our real problem is that in a democracy, these three constituencies that really matter to Obama all want us dead, never mind about blocking or rolling back our civil rights. If Obama gets his open-borders immigration “reform” bill passed, he will vastly increase the number of voters who want homosexuals dead and then he won’t need you any more and under the bus you will go.

In contrast, conservatism is your safe house and battered spouse shelter. Conservatives understand marriage and mostly want to know you’ll treat the institution well and not try to change their religions, which is fair enough. Conservatives also love service to our country in the military and they love the people who want to serve — mostly they want to know you’ll do right by the military, too. These are reasonable standards to meet. And they can be met in the near future — and when they are, I think it is conservatives who will fight for homosexual equality and pass the laws needed to make it happen. After all, it is Republican Colin Powell who is calling for an end to “don’t ask, don’t tell,” and Republican Dick Cheney who publicly supports homosexual marriage equality — which Obama even more publicly opposes.

Come to the conservative safe house. You don’t have to be battered and exploited any more.

Windmills kill birds but killing birds is only evil when oil does it

So sayeth the environmentalists.

Windmills are expensive and inefficient power sources and those reasons alone are why wind power is a hoax. On top of that, they are eyesores — infinitely more numerous and hideous than any oil well or oil drilling platform — or nuclear power plant, my personal favorite source of energy. The blogger at Blue Crab Boulevard is an energy engineer and expert on the topic. He explains why wind energy blows here.

But my biggest problem with “wind energy” has been my common sense intuition that windmills create powerful vortices that kill thousands of birds and insects, or, almost as bad, disorient them. I do not have research yet confirming my intuition about the insects, but I hope it is being done because we depend on bees to pollinate our crops and gardens. Threatening or destroying bees is tantamount to suicide as a society.

Few people have been in a wind powerful enough to let them feel what a bird or insect experiences when it is overpowered by the vortex created by the windmills. However, the same experience is available to anyone who paddles a canoe or kayak in whitewater. For me, one of those experiences came on the Missinaibi River in Ontario, Canada, when I was in my 20’s and joined my father on one of his wilderness expeditions in the purple, orange and white canoes he’d made in our basement out of Kevlar and epoxy. I wanted to paddle a rapids about five miles from Mattice with Dad in a C-2. I was in the bow and just not strong enough to be able to do my part to maneuver the boat and the river grabbed us. Thanks to Dad, we got to a rock where we could pause, read the river and take an easier route. But I will never forget being in the grip of the river’s overwhelming power.

The second occasion was in 1983 when I was paddling the Potomac with a female friend — if I say “girlfriend,” gentle readers, you might read too much into that — and we capsized in a rapids. In decked canoes you have straps over your knees as you kneel in the paddling position so that you can lean or throw your weight to help maneuver the boat. Dad had installed car seat belts for this purpose and my foot got caught in the seat belt. I was underwater getting swept downstream for a considerable time before I could get free. If the rapids had been very long, I might not have made it. THAT is the feeling of being overpowered by a vortex. THAT is what the birds and insects experience — they don’t drown, of course, but they are overpowered, chopped up, injured or disoriented so badly they can’t get food or return to their nests, hives, whatever.

So, environmentalists, tell me: why is killing birds with oil evil, but killing birds AND insects with windmills is not?

Because I’m starting to sense a very ugly agenda behind the mask of environmental idealism — not for everyone, but definitely on the part of too many to dismiss. Specifically, environmentalism is being used as a tool against capitalism — even as a tool against the United States as democracy, when it results in thwarting our using nuclear energy and our own oil and gas and sending us begging to countries that hate us, putting us in their power and putting us in their debt.

The subject came to mind today when I came across a piece published Sept. 7 in the Wall Street Journal by Robert Bryce, managing editor of the Energy Tribune (emphasis mine):

Windmills Are Killing Our Birds: One standard for oil companies, another for green energy sources.

On Aug. 13, ExxonMobil pleaded guilty in federal court to killing 85 birds that had come into contact with crude oil or other pollutants in uncovered tanks or waste-water facilities on its properties. The birds were protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which dates back to 1918. The company agreed to pay $600,000 in fines and fees.

ExxonMobil is hardly alone in running afoul of this law. Over the past two decades, federal officials have brought hundreds of similar cases against energy companies. In July, for example, the Oregon-based electric utility PacifiCorp paid $1.4 million in fines and restitution for killing 232 eagles in Wyoming over the past two years. The birds were electrocuted by poorly-designed power lines.

Yet there is one group of energy producers that are not being prosecuted for killing birds: wind-power companies. And wind-powered turbines are killing a vast number of birds every year.

A July 2008 study of the wind farm at Altamont Pass, Calif., estimated that its turbines kill an average of 80 golden eagles per year. The study, funded by the Alameda County Community Development Agency, also estimated that about 10,000 birds—nearly all protected by the migratory bird act—are being whacked every year at Altamont.

Altamont’s turbines, located about 30 miles east of Oakland, Calif., kill more than 100 times as many birds as Exxon’s tanks, and they do so every year. But the Altamont Pass wind farm does not face the same threat of prosecution, even though the bird kills at Altamont have been repeatedly documented by biologists since the mid-1990s.

The number of birds killed by wind turbines is highly variable. And biologists believe Altamont, which uses older turbine technology, may be the worst example. But that said, the carnage there likely represents only a fraction of the number of birds killed by windmills. Michael Fry of the American Bird Conservancy estimates that U.S. wind turbines kill between 75,000 and 275,000 birds per year. Yet the Justice Department is not bringing cases against wind companies.

“Somebody has given the wind industry a get-out-of-jail-free card,” Mr. Fry told me. “If there were even one prosecution,” he added, the wind industry would be forced to take the issue seriously.

According to the American Wind Energy Association, the industry’s trade association, each megawatt of installed wind-power results in the killing of between one and six birds per year. At the end of 2008, the U.S. had about 25,000 megawatts of wind turbines

By 2030, environmental and lobby groups are pushing for the U.S. to be producing 20% of its electricity from wind. Meeting that goal, according to the Department of Energy, will require the U.S. to have about 300,000 megawatts of wind capacity, a 12-fold increase over 2008 levels. If that target is achieved, we can expect some 300,000 birds, at the least, to be killed by wind turbines each year.

On its Web site, the Wind Energy Association says that bird kills by wind turbines are a “very small fraction of those caused by other commonly accepted human activities and structures—house cats kill an estimated one billion birds annually.”* That may be true, but it is not much of a defense. When cats kill birds, federal law doesn’t require marching them to our courthouses to hold them responsible.

During the late 1980s and early ’90s, Rob Lee was one of the Fish and Wildlife Service’s lead law-enforcement investigators on the problem of bird kills in Western oil fields. Now retired and living in Lubbock, Texas, Mr. Lee tells me that solving the problem in the oil fields “was easy and cheap.” The oil companies only had to put netting over their tanks and waste facilities.

Why aren’t wind companies prosecuted for killing eagles and other birds? “The fix here is not easy or cheap,” Mr. Lee told me. He added that he doesn’t expect to see any prosecutions of the politically correct wind industry.

This is a double standard that more people—and not just bird lovers—should be paying attention to. In protecting America’s wildlife, federal law-enforcement officials are turning a blind eye to the harm done by “green” energy.

Mr. Bryce is the managing editor of Energy Tribune. His latest book is “Gusher of Lies: The Dangerous Delusions of ‘Energy Independence'” (PublicAffairs, 2008).

*I wonder if that is the estimated number of birds killed by all the cats in the world from the beginning of time, all the cats in the U.S. ever, all the cats in the U.S. in one year — or, if that’s a number they pulled out of the air. Whatever, I’m going to have to have a talk with my pusses, because it appears they are WAY behind on their quotas.

I just checked here: there are an estimated 81,721,000 cats in the U.S. in 2007. If every single cat in the U.S. killed 10 birds per year, they still would not meet the claimed number of one billion birds killed, assuming that is a “per year” figure.

Oh, and I have an easy, cheap way of reducing the bird kills by windmills: tear every last one of them down and don’t build any more. Fast track nuclear power plants.

You’re welcome.

Labor Day and time to remember how union leaders squander their members' dues

Today is Labor Day and time to remember that all workers are equal but some workers are more equal than others:

I do have to say that based on my own experience, I think it would save Medicaid and Medicare money on nursing home care if home care workers were paid more AND were enrolled in Medicaid as their only job benefit. In Maryland the job is 24/7/365 with no benefits for $50 a day. And the state usually takes months to pay the home care workers. Maryland’s Republican Gov. Robert Ehrlich was contemptuous of our plight on camera and I will never forget the despair I felt at that moment. But even if it didn’t save the state money, I think home care workers should get Medicaid coverage as a benefit just because it’s the right thing to do for someone who is working for $2 per hour and yet makes just enough money to be ineligible for food stamps and Medicaid. You may call me a Leftie for that after you’ve done that work AND lived on that income AND gotten paid on the state’s schedule for at least two months.

So, union members, by quoting Michelle Malkin’s reporting on union corruption, I’m not saying that there’s no such thing as unfair wages and working conditions, I’m saying that corrupt unions are not the means for making your lives better. And if the only way you can create unions now is to pass a law that cheats people out of their right to a secret ballot, that’s a continent-full of red flags that unions exist for their leaders, not for their members, and there’s no such thing as a union that isn’t corrupt.

Obama 'ready to go' and 'fired up' by life-changing woman whose name he can't be bothered to remember

Obama closed his Labor Day speech today to the members of the AFL-CIO in Cincinnati, Ohio — a state whose coal industry he has declared he intends to destroy — who were gathered for their Labor Day picnic by telling the story of a woman in Greenwood, South Carolina, who had inspired him during his campaign. Obama told them that like her, they can be one person who can change the world. (By supporting him — if you’re planning to change the world to better it for yourself and your family, then fuhgedaboutit.)

Obama could not be bothered to recall or mention the name of this woman who changed his life and his campaign with her chant, “Fired up! Ready to go!” at a rural campaign rally that he obviously felt was beneath him. (Obama let the mask over his narcissism slip a bit when he admitted resenting her at first, “This woman is upstaging me!”)

But I LOVE this kind of woman and I wanted to know her name and guess what? All you have to do is Google “South Carolina AND ‘fired up'” and voila! The 60-year-old black county councilwoman from Greenwood, South Carolina, whose chants of “fired up!” and “ready to go!” were able to dissolve even the sullen sulkiness, laziness and elitism of Barack Obama is Edith Childs.


In fact, I believe a czar position has just opened up. Obama! Ms. Childs would be the ideal candidate to fill it!

I was able to find Ms. Childs’ name so easily because the Washington Post profiled her and the economic stagnation that deepened in her community following Obama’s inauguration on April 26 as part of its coverage on the effects of Obama’s presidency after its first 100 days. To me, the most tragic part of the Post’s story is Ms. Childs stopping to watch a Tea Party rally and believing she saw people who would hate her instead of knowing that she was watching the people who love her the most, who honor her the most and who are fighting for capitalism because THAT is what will bring businesses and infrastructure to her community, employ its citizens and make it the optimistic, ambitious, vibrant, self-reliant and thriving community she envisions.

Ironically, while Ms. Childs voted for Obama and socialism — I believe without realizing what socialism really is and that Obama was deceiving her about his socialist intentions — when Evon Hackett, one of the women described in the story, could not find a job after months of diligent effort, what do you suppose she did? She resorted to capitalism! She wrote a check overdrawing her account to get capital to make Easter baskets, which she then marketed, earning a net profit of $85. God bless America! (I bet that figure is calculated only by subtracting expenses from gross profit; I’d love to talk to her about her party affiliation and Sarah Palin after she finds out how much of that $85 Obama thinks he ought to have from her in taxes.) Ms. Childs, that’s what capitalism does for an economy! It gives people the incentive and reward for making something out of nothing instead of passively waiting for help. And when the something they make has broad appeal, they don’t just make their own lives better, they create jobs and make the lives of others better, too!

When hurting people like the ones in Greenwood, South Carolina, who were duped by Obama are so willing to embrace capitalism, work hard and do for themselves — which means they are capitalists and conservatives at heart, our homies instead of his — I believe the fate of our nation may very well hang on our ability as Tea Partiers to get out a message that lets Ms. Childs know that we consider her a hero, we honor her enough to remember her name and we have what she is seeking to make her community thrive.

Ms. Childs — we love you, we honor you, we thank you, we embrace you — and we are fired up! Ready to go!