Dear Mark Koenig drew my attention to a post at Newsreal aimed at smearing gays and lesbians as supporting amnesty for illegal aliens as their contribution to the Left’s conspiracy to destroy the U.S. as a capitalistic, Constitutional democratic republic and make it a totalitarian Communistic state — which is, of course, MUCH worse than the conspiracy of social conservatives on the Right to destroy the U.S. as a capitalistic, Constitutional democratic republic and make it a totalitarian theocratic state.
One of the reasons I became a fiscal conservative and Republican in the fall of 2008 was to fight amnesty, open borders and illegal immigration. I lived many years in the part of Silver Spring, Maryland, most overwhelmed by illegal immigration from Latin, Asian, African and Muslim countries and I learned first-hand that illegals are a boiling cauldron of hatreds and that the majority come from cultures and religions that regard women as property and tell them it is their duty to kill lesbians and gays. Practically every other conservative in the U.S. is a lily-livered squish on illegal immigration in comparison to me.
However, I want to explain the real reason that lesbians and gays on the Left support amnesty — it is a noble one and not the one posited at Newsreal. It has to do with the Left’s Rainbow Coalition, which lesbians and gays don’t realize was a con to get their money, labor and power.
Gays, Jews and women were thrown out of the Right by social conservatives for being uppity and demanding anti-Biblical equality. Blacks and Latins/illegal immigrants were seduced to the Left by promises of easy money and easy power: welfare, affirmative action and amnesty. That’s the Left’s Rainbow Coalition.
In the 1970’s and 1980’s, the Rainbow Coalition was sold to gays, Jews, women, black and Latins/illegals as a one-for-all, all-for-one deal where we were all supposed to support each group’s civil rights equality, although blacks, being more equal, became the priority and demanded control of when the other groups would be allowed reciprocity from blacks in support of their own civil rights. Sometime in the 1990’s, black race hustlers stopped talking about the Rainbow Coalition and stopped acknowledging the claims of any other group to equality.
However, because the lesbian and gay communities actually ARE a Rainbow Coalition, since our community really IS a mix of races, ethnicities, nationalities, sexes, disabilities, sexual orientations and religions, this betrayal of the ideal of reciprocity for the equality and civil rights of other groups by blacks and their secession from the Rainbow Coalition is something that the lesbian and gay communities on the Left just can’t comprehend and don’t accept. THAT is why the lesbian and gay communities support amnesty — because the Latin/Asian/African/illegal immigrants groups all are clamoring for it and calling it hateful and discriminatory to demand that every single immigrant obey our immigration laws — so the lesbian and gay communities are honoring their Rainbow Coalition ideal of reciprocity. It IS bizarre that gays and lesbians do this the most for the groups that hate us proudly and openly — blacks, the Latin/Asian/African/illegal immigrants groups, and Muslims — nevertheless, gays and lesbians really do believe that their support will some day be reciprocated. So — supporting amnesty is a matter of honor and badly misplaced faith in the honor and intentions of their erstwhile fellows in the Rainbow Coalition.
However, in a weird way, the toxic, deranged and deceitful conflation of advocates for gay equality and the open borders/amnesty movement at Newsreal represents a heartening watershed in the efforts of social conservatives to demonize gay people since it is quite the promotion from being damned — just on the basis of being, without ever having committed any act of wrong-doing — as worse than murderers, child molesters, people who have sex with animals, and so on. The fact that those deranged accusations aren’t selling as well any more so that social conservatives must scramble for new deceptions to demonize lesbians and gays is most encouraging.