The Restoring Honor rally at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial will be held in Washington, D.C., this Saturday, Aug. 28, from 10 am to 1 pm, and if I can attract or generate at least $160 by 5 pm on Friday, Aug. 27, I can attend. That’s the amount I need to pay Awesome Nephew (who is putting himself through college) to take care of Dad, plus gas, tolls, parking and lunch after the rally with members of GOProud.
I would really LOVE to go. I thank my donors in advance, whether your donation is financial or good thoughts. I also very much appreciate the gift of their precious time that all my dear gentle readers give me — I strive always to respect that and make this blog worthy of your attention. I wish you all every blessing always.
Update, 8/26/10, Thurs.: $160, $135, $125, $115 to reach my goal. Thank you!
Update, 8/26/10, Thurs. night: Thank you to the generous and kind donors who sent me money — the target of $160 has been met, so I can attend the Restoring Honor rally!
Update, 8/27/10, Friday, wee hours: Thank you, dear readers of Little Miss Attila — if you consider it a bonus to annoy James Wolcott by sending me to the Restoring Honor rally, since I now have the money for that, why not get a jump on riling him by donating to send me to the 9/12 March on Washington, for which I also must raise $160? By the way, part of that is for my food, gas, tolls and parking — and Awesome Nephew’s compensation is half the rate I’d have to pay anyone else. Donations beyond the $160 for the 9/12 March will be applied to replacing my Flip video camera with an HD model that takes memory cards, has a plug for an external microphone and which can be mounted on a tripod — plus the mic, batteries and memory cards — that will total around $250. I will strive to make the most of the opportunities and tools you provide me.
Update, 8/26/2010, Thurs.: I’ve arrived! This post has been shame- and hate-linked by Vanity Fair’s James Wolcott, who is clueless about both conservatism AND the Transcendental Meditation program, while trying to shame me with both! FAIL and FAIL, James! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Here’s the short course on conservatism, James. Conservatism is about individualism, capitalism and liberty. It is comprised of four groups, two of which have mutually exclusive goals and values: fiscal conservative/social liberals (i.e., small government, low taxes, minimum government regulation of social/sexual lives); libertarians (really, really small government and little or no government regulation of social/sexual lives); fiscal conservative/social conservative (i.e., small government, low taxes, imposition of that person’s church/values on everyone else through the coercive powers of government); social conservative/fiscal liberal (totalitarian control of government and social/sexual lives by that person’s church). I am a fiscal conservative/social liberal and only by coming into the conservative movement have I learned the best arguments for my equality as a lesbian are based on conservative values of liberty and adherence to the Constitution. All the REAL action for gay equality is coming from the Right and conservatives. The Democrats lied to the gay community to get its money, labor and votes by promising to repeal DOMA and DADT and pass ENDA — then when they had control of Congress and the White House told us they’d keep their promises when hell freezes over. You’re the sucker, James, not me.
Regarding the Transcendental Meditation program, in 1978 I became a TM-Sidha, which means I am a yogic flyer. Maharishi never shamed people. What he talked about was the development of higher states of consciousness, which he could do because the TM movement teaches the technique that is the most pleasant and fastest path to higher states of consciousness. The TM movement offers enlightenment to every individual, fulfillment to every religion, and invincibility to every nation. Do not use the TM movement or Maharishi to shame anyone, ever.