Michelle Malkin’s newest blog mines Twitter, finds gold

Check out Michelle Malkin’s newest blog, Twitchy. What Twitchy does with Twitter — explained at Ms. Malkin’s blog here — is similar to what Memeorandum does with blogs and news websites. It’s a Twitter curation blog, which means her editors are pulling news on a spectrum of news categories onto a page that gives you a bird’s …

What I propose to protect conservatives under attack on Twitter

Bill Whittle says he thinks Twitter killed Andrew Breitbart because it let so many toxic people send their poison his way and he took them on directly. I was worried about just that problem for Andrew and spoke to him about it at CPAC 2010. Re-tweeting tweets that are especially toxic or looney does nothing …

BREAKING — Ninth Circuit rules Prop 8 unconstitutional

I’ll be on a press conference shortly and will provide more info afterwards. Update: Click here for the Ninth Circuit’s opinion rejecting Prop 8 as unconstitutional. (Click here for the opinion of the judge who concurred in part and dissented in part.) Ted Olson, on the teleconference call, just quoted the following from page 77: It …

UPDATED — Please help send me to CPAC 2012 this week

My free caregiver that I had arranged for my father so I can afford to attend CPAC told me yesterday that his job requires him to be in Richmond this week so he is no longer available. That means that I have to pay for someone to care for my father. I sold some items …

UPDATED: Sec. Hillary Clinton bravely speaks out for gay equality

Today Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, speaking to a UN gathering in Geneva, Switzerland, made an eloquent speech supporting gay equality in observance of International Human Rights Day — click the link to read the whole thing. It’s worth it. Here is a sample (bolding mine): At three o’clock in the morning on December …

Steve Jobs has upgraded to heaven

  Steve Jobs died yesterday. He personified what fiscal conservatism can do to generate wealth from ideas that create new products, new industries and transform the world. How fitting his name was “Jobs” — he was the embodiment of a jobs creator. The stimulus he needed was not exacted by force from taxpayers. He raised …

Technical difficulties and my op-ed for The Advocate on why gay equality will come from the Right

This morning this blog experienced technical difficulties and when it was restored came back missing my posts from Aug. 11 to Sept. 16. These include my posts on Marcus Bachmann and my op-ed for The Advocate on why gay equality will come from the Right. I have been able to save the posts, but not …

Gov. Palin on ‘Conquering the Storm’

Thanks to dear Dan Collins I read Gov. Palin’s Aug. 8 Facebook essay, “Conquering the Storm,” in which she demonstrates why she is the best candidate for the Republican nomination and has exactly the leadership and vision required as president to restore America to prosperity. While all the other candidates dither or denounce, Gov. Palin …

Instapundit turns 10

University of Tennessee law professor Glenn Harlan Reynolds celebrates the tenth anniversary of his blog, Instapundit, born Aug. 8, 2001, and I wish him and his blog every blessing (and hope one day earn a spot in his blogroll). He was one of the first bloggers I saw at CPAC 2009 speaking with Vodkapundit, Stephen …