What Letterman is doing is mobbing, not humor — today's action to FIRE DAVID LETTERMAN targets sponsor Johnson & Johnson

moar funny pictures David Letterman’s attacks on Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and her daughters on “The Late Show with David Letterman” on CBS on June 8 and 9, and his sham apologies on June 10 and June 15, are grounds for persuading CBS to fire him. He made degrading sexual remarks about Gov. Palin and …

Why what Letterman did was bullying, mobbing and hostage-taking — FIRE DAVID LETTERMAN!!!

The “FIRE DAVID LETTERMAN” campaign is making for some very strange bedfellows, indeed, what with the post yesterday by Rick Moran over at Rightwing Nuthouse praising my determination to GET DAVID LETTERMAN FIRED NOW!!! I have to take my 93-year-old father to the doctor — relax, just to get some moles that are bugging him …

Never give up! Never surrender!

Over at Rightwing Nuthouse, Rick Moran has some nice things to say about me and my quest to get David Letterman fired in his post, “It’s Important to Have the Right Attitude.” Thanks, dude — now, activate the Omega 13! Update: This is post of the day at Legal Insurrection — thank you, Prof. Jacobson! …

Yo, Steven Crowder, free speech advocate! — substitute Obama's daughters' names in Letterman's jokes and post THAT on YouTube!

The extremely youthful would-be comedian and unfunny hack, Steven Crowder, who has no discernible sense of humor and ethics that primarily are directed at the behavior of people other than himself, is on his high horse at Big Hollywood about freedom of speech — oh, and calling for Republicans to “grow a sense of humor” …

Ann Coulter links my fight to GET LETTERMAN FIRED!

moar funny pictures I wrote in my “About me” page that my transformation from liberal to fiscal conservative during the fall of the 2008 presidential campaign made me wonder if that was what turning into a werewolf felt like. (Roger Simon, founder of Pajamas Media, wrote in his book, Blacklisting Myself, that he had similar …

Bill Maher proves my point — FIRE LETTERMAN NOW!!!

I predicted that if we — a coalition of conservatives and liberals who oppose sexism — do not do the work necessary to get David Letterman fired, that this would embolden the small fry bullies by the millions. Well, I hear tell the first one has hatched and on Friday night was already speaking in …

It's working, people! See this e-mail from eBay about ads on CBS.com

I just checked my inbox and found the e-mail below from a representative of eBay. I have put all my work so far into stirring up the resistance and writing my “Fire David Letterman” Kit. I never e-mailed eBay. I plan to work on the same sponsors targeted by HillBuzz because coordinating our efforts will …

Your handy 'Fire David Letterman' Kit, Part Two

moar funny pictures This is Part Two of your handy “Fire David Letterman Kit,” complete with sample letters, mailmerge instructions and contact info. Here are the topics I plan to cover in the complete kit: Part One — Why we are angry and our cause is just: videos and timeline of David Letterman’s offenses. Part …

Letterman apology tonight is too little, too late — FIRE DAVID LETTERMAN!!!

moar funny pictures I just heard Wolf Blitzer on CNN read the apology David Letterman reportedly will make on his show to be aired tonight, Monday, June 15, to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and her teen-age daughters Bristol and Willow. Letterman’s show is taped on weekday afternoons between 4:30 and 6:30 pm at The Ed …