Obama tells gays at HRC dinner he will get DOMA and DADT repealed and ENDA passed when hell freezes over

Obama told homosexuals to go to hell right to their faces tonight at the Human Rights Campaign banquet, and they gave him standing ovations (H/T Memeorandum). Andrew Sullivan stopped trying to find Trig Palin’s real mother long enough to sum up Obama’s flimflammery in his HRC speech: But the sad truth is: he [Obama] is …

Obama Prevarication Predictor: Homosexual equality march on Oct. 11 edition

My Obama Prevarication Predictor says that whenever a consensus develops that poses an obstacle to something Obama wants, within 72 hours he will say whatever the group blocking him wants to hear but with no intention of actually delivering on what he says, but rather the intention of getting his opponents to relax, stop paying …

Jon Stewart tells president who boasted of being able to walk and chew gum when he was a senator that there's no such thing as having so much on his plate that he can't repeal 'don't ask, don't tell' now

From Althouse, via Instapundit. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c The Gay After Tomorrow www.thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Ron Paul Interview

The math shows second-class citizenship is costly for gays

One of the newly-minted arguments against homosexual equality is that somehow it would cost society more. Michael Steele has bought into this argument. The argument that any particular group deserves perpetual second-class citizenship because all the first-class citizens would find their equality expensive is also used as an argument for eugenics. Think about that, conservatives. …

Krauthammer on Kristol and the evolution of marriage

Charles Krauthammer published a lovely appreciation of the late Irving Kristol on Friday, Sept. 25. I have bolded the lines that leapt out at me because of how they apply to the objection of social conservatives that homosexuals should not have marriage equality because marriage should never be re-defined, or evolve: His gloriously unheroic view …

Gays! Lesbians! What this means is, Obama NEVER will support homosexual equality

John Aravosis at Americablog summarizes Obama’s broken promises — aka lies — to the gay and lesbian community about supporting homosexual equality, repealing the Defense of Marriage Act and “don’t ask, don’t tell,” which would take half an hour tops for the Democratic-majority Congress to pass and messenger to Obama to sign. If, say, they …

Jamie Glazov is an intellectual heir of Eric Hoffer

My father got me hooked on the work of Eric Hoffer when I was in high school in the late 1960’s, starting with his most famous book, The True Believer. And I came upon the work of Jamie Glazov thanks to the kind invitation of David Swindle, associate editor of FrontPage magazine and assistant managing …

I am strong, I am invincible, I am woman

One of the commenters on my post “Phyllis Chesler punksmacks Naomi Wolf — couldn’t happen to a nicer girl” alluded to Helen Reddy’s song, “I am woman,” and I had the thought that my younger readers might not recognize the allusion so I went looking for the song on YouTube. What a powerful experience it …

UPDATED: Phyllis Chesler punksmacks Naomi Wolf — couldn't happen to a nicer girl

I regard with horror the naivete and foolishness of feminists and lesbians and gays regarding the menace of Islam because they are the first ones who will lose their liberty and/or lives when Muslims move into a neighborhood. This is not prejudice toward Muslims — they are commanded to kill unbelievers. Women and gays are …

Becky's back and bringing the bare-breasted goodness

Becky Chandler is back and blogging at Bing about bare breasts! With photos that are — and I am unanimous in this — NSFW! Of course. Becky is a libertarian lesbian lawyer and mother who blogged at Just a Girl in Short Shorts Talking About Whatever until Obama supporters angry with her trenchant observations about …