Cthulhu weighs in on Obamacare

Brushing asides comparisons between himself and the monstrous, all-consuming and crazy-making bureaucracy that would be engendered by Obamacare and devour at least one-sixth of the U.S. economy, Cthulhu says he favors the public option but ultimately positions himself as an independent on Obamacare at Interesting News Items.

I've been craving Pattymelt!

I love those nice young gay men in Chicago at HillBuzz with all my heart and I love, love, LOVE their guest blogger, Patricia Melton, whose nickname is “Pattymelt.” Well! It’s been months and months since her last report from the wilds of Ohio and I have been craving me some Pattymelt something fierce. So, …

Gone to lynch

Huzzah, Jenny, The Bloggess, whom I love pure and chaste from afar, is back from Japan. Before watching this video, I have to caution you that there is a reason I made up a new Internet acronym for her: PFNFNDHITN (Pee First, No Food, No Drinks, Have Inhaler and Tissues Nearby): Thank you, my dear …

Why does Michelle Obama only wear cheerful colors when she's attending memorial services for U.S. soldiers?

Michelle Obama, ever fashion forward in her signature ammo belt and wearing the cheerful colors that always characterize her wardrobe when she is celebrating the deaths of, um, attending the memorial services of U.S. soldiers who have died in the service of their country, watches her husband performing the traditional ceremony of laying a wreath …