Yesterday I began covering former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as my beat for David Horowitz’s Newsreal blog. My post about her debut last night on The O’Reilly Factor on Fox News as a news analyst went live a couple of hours ago. It begins as follows: From the first moment of former Alaska Gov. Sarah …
Category Archives: About Cynthia Yockey
A Conservative Lesbian celebrates its first birthday today
A year ago today I was seized with the passion to make the leap from reading blogs to writing one. I started with a free WordPress blog, but quickly went the self-hosted route so my first post here is dated January 25, 2009. In terms of passion, joy, enthusiasm and good luck — and a …
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Thank you to everyone who voted for me for Gay Patriot's Grande Conservative Blogress Diva
Congratulations to Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs for her victory as Gay Patriot’s Grande Conservative Blogress Diva 2010! I am so glad I got to meet her last year at CPAC and tell her in person how much I admire her courage. Neoneocon was second and I am not familiar with her writing, but I …
Evolution deniers SHOULD be run out of academia AND Hubert Yockey supports evolution
I just clicked a link in a Google Alert with my father’s named misspelled and it turns out someone has written a book claiming it is a terrible injustice that people who deny evolution are not being admitted to Ph.D. programs in biology because this cheats them of the credential they need to teach the …
'The initiative and resourcefulness of common men and women'
Pondering how the passengers on Flight 253 saved the day after Abdul Farouk Umar Abdulmutallab’s bomb failed to ignite properly, law professor Glenn Reynolds, aka Instapundit, links a column he wrote after the D.C. snipers were caught in 2002 by a citizen who spotted their car and blocked it from escaping with his own vehicle …
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Merry Christmas
My favorite part of Christmas is singing Christmas carols. I spent Christmas Eve afternoon baking pies — one cherry, one pumpkin — and trying to get the high notes in “O Holy Night.” I never made it to the end because my big gray cat, Beauregard, meowed more and more desperately as I sang. Sigh. …
'You have to be a warrior'
I relate to the mother in this personal story because I was my late life partner Margaret’s warrior for over 20 years. But I’m also almost seven years in to the battle to save my own life from hypoxic brain damage due to obstructive sleep apnea — I was in death’s foyer before I was …
I am a finalist for Grande Conservative Blogress at Gay Patriot — voting has started
Who should be the Grande Conservative Blogress Diva for 2010? Cynthia Yockey (A Conservative Lesbian) Neoneocon The Anchoress Michelle Malkin Ann Althouse Jennifer Rubin (Commentary Contentions) Fausta Pamela Geller (Atlas Shrugs) Tammy Bruce free polls Update, 12/29/2009, Tues.: Welcome, gentle HillBuzz readers, and thank you, HillBuzz, for endorsing me for Grande Conservative Bloggress Diva! …
How I got started playing the bassoon
Bassoonists are rare birds and band directors don’t start just any kid on the bassoon. At the very least they look for someone smart and determined. I got interested in music the way a lot of kids did in the 1960’s through the music of Bob Dylan and the Beatles. I joined our junior high …
Why I think the approval of gay marriage in Washington, D.C., will stick
Allahpundit over at Hot Air is pondering why the vote to approve gay marriage by the City Council in Washington, D.C., today was so lop-sided in favor, 11-2, with ex-crackhead-and-adulterer Marion Barry casting one of the opposing votes, when D.C. is a majority black city and blacks have reneged on their support for equality for …
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