Cold Comfort Farm shows how to free idealists from the Left's grip

Cold Comfort Farm is one of my favorite movies of all time because it shows how simply and naturally people can escape the grip of a totalitarian tyrant — in this case, Aunt Ada Doom, of Starkadder Farm. The short version: connect people with their dreams and their ability to achieve them. I’ll be developing …

Jamie Glazov is an intellectual heir of Eric Hoffer

My father got me hooked on the work of Eric Hoffer when I was in high school in the late 1960’s, starting with his most famous book, The True Believer. And I came upon the work of Jamie Glazov thanks to the kind invitation of David Swindle, associate editor of FrontPage magazine and assistant managing …

I am strong, I am invincible, I am woman

One of the commenters on my post “Phyllis Chesler punksmacks Naomi Wolf — couldn’t happen to a nicer girl” alluded to Helen Reddy’s song, “I am woman,” and I had the thought that my younger readers might not recognize the allusion so I went looking for the song on YouTube. What a powerful experience it …

My Obama Prevarication Predictor predicted lies about Sarah Palin today and Levi Johnson delivered

I can’t resist noting that I predicted on Aug. 24 that Obama was tanking and that Obama’s minions see to it that a big lie about Gov. Sarah Palin usually follows within about 48 to 72 hours any bad news about Obama that is dominating the news shows. Well, the lie was postponed since Ted …

Obama retreating from the public option? Don't you believe it!

My Obama Prevarication Predictor says that whenever a consensus develops opposing anything Obama favors, within 72 hours of the consensus developing he will announce he either no longer wants the thing OR that he is the personification of reason and compromise over the thing — whatever “the thing” du jour is. Currently it is the …

UPDATED: Phyllis Chesler punksmacks Naomi Wolf — couldn't happen to a nicer girl

I regard with horror the naivete and foolishness of feminists and lesbians and gays regarding the menace of Islam because they are the first ones who will lose their liberty and/or lives when Muslims move into a neighborhood. This is not prejudice toward Muslims — they are commanded to kill unbelievers. Women and gays are …

Obama's tedious Ted Kennedy eulogy compared to the real eloquence that preceded him

If Obama has any sense at all, for the rest of his life he will resent the humiliation of having followed genuinely eloquent and inspiring men as the final eulogist at Sen. Ted Kennedy’s funeral service on Saturday, August 29, in Boston at The Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. If his handlers have …

Krauthammer clueless on the purpose of Obamacare

Charles Krauthammer’s Aug. 28 column declares Obamacare 1.0 (its current form) dead and makes sensible proposals for a universal healthcare bill he dubs Obamacare 2.0 that he believes could get passed. Why, it even leaves out tort reform. However, the column takes a mordant turn at the end when Dr. Krauthammer notes that such a …

HillBuzz has the best tips on shopping on a budget at Whole Foods

Those wonderful young gay men at HillBuzz have taken note of the Left venting its rage on Whole Foods because the company’s owner wrote an op-ed opposing Obamacare. This is how Democrats find out that all Democrats are equal, but some Democrats are more equal than others. Silly man! Thinking that when the Left says …

Male genital mutilation is cutting OFF the penis, circumcision just takes the foreskin

As a teenager in the 1960’s I read the term “female circumcision” and I was very puzzled because male circumcision is cutting off the foreskin, but there is no corollary to the foreskin in female genitalia to remove. Later I found out that “female circumcision” is a mostly Muslim and mostly African custom of cutting …