The problem with this new wheelchair design is …

… you have to be very spry and have good trunk strength to use it. Oops. If you are paralyzed, it would be a nightmare to try to transfer into this wheelchair because you have to get your legs to straddle it. Then there’s the problem of no back support or lateral support, so that …

Obamacare: The Musical!

Tony Passaro sent the link to this video to me this morning — IT. IS. DEE-LISH!!! You may remember Tony is the man who organized 12 busloads of people from Harford County, Maryland, to attend the 9/12 Tea Party in D.C. So, if you watch the video, yes, I know “single payer” is a stigmatized …

Thank you, Mary Travers, for the hammer, the bell and the song

Mary Travers, of the Sixties singing trio Peter, Paul and Mary, died Sept. 16 of leukemia at the age of 72 — my condolences to her family and loved ones. I hesitated about posting this yesterday because of the “hammer of justice” line — now that I understand why the Left does not make good …

Tributes on the passing of Norman Borlaug

It may take me awhile to gather up all the links I want to have in this post as a tribute to Norman Borlaug — Iowahawk has the most touching description of Borlaug’s life: Norman Borlaug died Saturday [9/12/09] at 95, leaving a humanitarian legacy equaled by few in history. By some estimates his life’s …

Read John Hawkins on the descent of Little Green Footballs

Because I am new to conservatism and blogging, when I first saw Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs attacking dear, brave Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs, whom I met at CPAC and came this close to asking her to autograph my … arm — so much do I admire her courage — I did not …

I am in Villainous Company again

Cassandra at Villainous Company is the wife of a Marine, so when the Associated Press broke its embed agreement and published its photo of a soldier taken as he was dying in Afghanistan in defiance of his family’s wishes, she felt their pain and voiced her objections, as did Michelle Malkin and others. However, it …

UPDATEDx2 — Why is Charles Johnson continuing to libel Stacy McCain?

Why is Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs continuing to libel Robert Stacy McCain of The Other McCain? That is the question that popped into my mind as I was waking up this morning. Then I had another thought: isn’t it a remarkable coincidence that CJ began his vendetta against Stacy just after Stacy and …

Obama's Predictable Playbook — how to write a speech for Obama

Thanks in part to Obama’s open embrace of the rules for radicals of Saul Alinsky, his tactics and strategies are becoming increasingly clear and predictable, as I have noted in my Obama Prevarication Predictor posts, so I am now inaugurating a series of posts on its corollary, “Obama’s Predictable Playbook.” Rich Lowry, the editor of …

UPDATED: Robert Stacy McCain is a lousy racist and a terrible bigot (NOT!)

My headline would be MUCH better if I could have created urgency to click on this post by leaving out the “(NOT!).” But I know better than to trust the Left, having so recently resided there. I do not want anyone to have an excuse to put my name to a phrase saying Stacy is …