Cthulhu weighs in on Obamacare

Brushing asides comparisons between himself and the monstrous, all-consuming and crazy-making bureaucracy that would be engendered by Obamacare and devour at least one-sixth of the U.S. economy, Cthulhu says he favors the public option but ultimately positions himself as an independent on Obamacare at Interesting News Items.

Oprah picked Obama to be president and is surprised to be under the bus now that he doesn't need her any more

The National Enquirer reports today that Obama has thrown Oprah under the bus and set his wife, Michelle, up to take the blame. Oprah still does not understand what her idol really is so she has fallen for his ruse, which means she’s hurt and angry with Michelle but still all gooey and starry-eyed about …

I'll hold you while angels sing you to sleep

“Lullabye” by Cris Williamson from her 1978 album, Live Dream. I love singing lullabyes and this is one of my favorites. In my first year with my late life partner, Margaret Ardussi, circa 1984-85, I thought it would make her feel loved and comforted if I sang her lullabyes before we went to sleep. But …

'Drink the Kool-Aid' got its tragic meaning 31 years ago today

Today is the anniversary of the first time a sociopathic charismatic leader charmed and coerced his followers into mass suicide by getting them to drink poisoned Kool-Aid, even as they watched those who drank before them dying and saw their friends’ and fellows’ dead bodies piled higher and higher. Jim Jones, leader of the Christian …

I bought Dad a walker yesterday

The walker is a nice one — it folds so I can easily put it in the car, and it has wheels on the front. Dad’s physical therapist said that the walkers with wheels help people with mobility impairments both with their walking and their breathing because it keeps the chest muscles in a better …

Please help Phyllis Chesler keep you safe by sending her money now

Let’s rush to Dr. Chesler’s aid with baskets — and an e-mail Inbox — filled with money to help her out. (In the film clip above, Uncle Billy arrives with the basket of money at 3:36.) Phyllis Chesler, who has fought for equality for women and against totalitarianism and anti-semitism, needs financial help immediately to …

I've been craving Pattymelt!

I love those nice young gay men in Chicago at HillBuzz with all my heart and I love, love, LOVE their guest blogger, Patricia Melton, whose nickname is “Pattymelt.” Well! It’s been months and months since her last report from the wilds of Ohio and I have been craving me some Pattymelt something fierce. So, …