Hey, Newsbusters — Christians DO commit honor murder

We have a DVR and I record NCIS and NCIS: Los Angeles because the former is one of my favorite shows and the latter has Linda Hunt, which makes it just interesting enough to tolerate. I also squirrel away various movies for my father, so on Tuesday I recorded “Gone with the Wind,” and something …

Bitchslap for John Aravosis: Democrats are losing on healthcare reform because their proposals stink — it's not a leadership thang, you fool

H/T for the video to Kathy Shaidle. Note to visiting HillBuzzers: clearly Bob Hope is referring only to Dr. Utopia Democrats. Dear Moe Lane drew my attention to the rant by John Aravosis at Americablog against the Democratic leadership for not being able to get the ever-changing and sometimes top secret healthcare reform legislation through …

Why I think the approval of gay marriage in Washington, D.C., will stick

Allahpundit over at Hot Air is pondering why the vote to approve gay marriage by the City Council in Washington, D.C., today was so lop-sided in favor, 11-2, with ex-crackhead-and-adulterer Marion Barry casting one of the opposing votes, when D.C. is a majority black city and blacks have reneged on their support for equality for …

If you are a fan of A Conservative Lesbian … please second my nomination for Grande Conservative Blogress

If you are a fan of, well, me, or, if not me, my writing, I would be most obliged if you would second my nomination for Grande Conservative Blogress over at Gay Patriot’s place. I have been nominated, but Daniel, formerly known as Gay Patriot West, tells me that isn’t enough — lots of people …

Obama hits a new low — in the polls, I mean, because with Obama and the expression 'new low,' you have to be specific

Today Obama built on his previous new lowest approval rating of -16 yesterday to plummet to his newest new low of -19 today. I wonder what is making American voters so testy with Obama — so “ungovernable.” (Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!) Wasn’t getting the Nobel Peace Prize in a box of Cracker Jacks on Dec. 10 supposed to …

Oprah gets temporary pass from under the bus to boost Obama's ratings — um, do a White House Christmas special

About the time that Oprah’s Dec. 13 ABC White House Christmas special with Barack and Michelle Obama was announced a couple of weeks ago, a tabloid newspaper ran a story about how puzzled and hurt Oprah was that even though she got Obama selected and elected as president, Obama would not accept her calls and …

Make this viral: how Republican senators can stop the healthcare rationing bill with parliamentary procedure

Eric Erickson at Redstate explains how Republican senators can kill the healthcare reform/rationing bill now before the Senate: The Founding Fathers created a Republic, but 60 Senators are poised to take it away. With the pending disaster of the passage in the Senate of a bill nationalizing one sixth of the U.S. economy and our …

Iowahawk explains how to put the 'hockey stick' on ice

Iowahawk understands statistical analysis — something to do with his day job and all — and his column this week is educational, rather than humorous, on the subject of Climategate. He walks his readers through the process of deriving the famous “hockey stick” graph, which purports to prove global temperatures are rising at such a …

'Nobody's gonna rain on my blog tirade'

I love The Bloggess and had no idea she has such a lovely singing voice! I’m going to have to start watching “Glee.” And going to bed on time — by coincidence, it was exactly 1:26 am here when The Bloggess said she was up at 1:26 am. Update, 12/13/09, Sunday: See another side of …