Moe, let's go for a Maryland miracle to elect a Republican in Barbara Mikulski's place

Maryland Democratic Sen. Barbara Mikulski is running for re-election this year. She will turn 74 in July and because she has atrial fibrillation I think she also has obstructive sleep apnea — but whatever, she has had a long career of public service, and since there’s a possibility she may have begun to consider a …

Brown WON!!!

moar funny pictures Massachusetts member of Congress Barney Frank had a much classier reaction to Scott Brown’s victory than I expected, which is quoted at the American Spectator blog by Philip Klein: Rep. Barney Frank is not a wobbly moderate in a marginal district, but a liberal Democrat who has been supportive of the health …

Bookworm, Chai is wrong — homosexual equality and religious liberty can co-exist

I am not a registered commenter at Bookworm’s place, so I will have my say here. Regarding homosexual equality and religious liberty, she quotes lesbian attorney Chai Feldblum saying that the demands of the two are not reconcilable and that homosexual equality should win over religious liberty. Long-time gentle readers know I don’t think very …

UPDATED — Obama's 'Enabling Act' trial balloon

Ever since Obama was elected I’ve had the feeling that the organizing principle of his agenda is to destroy America as a capitalist democratic republic in slow motion with such a barrage of debt bombs, government intrusion, weakening of our military, dissolution of border enforcement, stagnation, confusion and fear that Congress would cede its powers …

Uh, Neo-neocon and Jules, I think the scoop for rallying for Scott Brown belongs to Legal Insurrection and Hill Buzz

H/T for video to Hill Buzz: “Get off your butts: MSNBC admits electing Scott Brown will cripple Obama.” Success has a thousand fathers and failure only one, as the expression goes.* Now that Republican Scott Brown is polling ahead of the Democratic candidate, Martha Coakley, for the election in Massachusetts on Jan. 19 to fill …

Sarah Palin is my beat at Newsreal blog

Yesterday I began covering former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as my beat for David Horowitz’s Newsreal blog. My post about her debut last night on The O’Reilly Factor on Fox News as a news analyst went live a couple of hours ago. It begins as follows: From the first moment of former Alaska Gov. Sarah …

A Conservative Lesbian celebrates its first birthday today

A year ago today I was seized with the passion to make the leap from reading blogs to writing one. I started with a free WordPress blog, but quickly went the self-hosted route so my first post here is dated January 25, 2009. In terms of passion, joy, enthusiasm and good luck — and a …