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Author Archives: CynthiaYockey
Prop 8 majority rule? No, ‘We do NOT put the Bill of Rights to a vote?’
By arguing that the majority vote in favor of Prop 8 in California should stand despite the decision that it is unconstitutional, Maggie Gallagher and the National Organization for Marriage have managed to make a large number of social conservatives forget their love of the Constitution — or inadvertently, they have exposed that social conservatives …
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Can’t drag and drop in iTunes
When you can’t drag and drop in iTunes, look at the column headings to see which one you have selected — it will be highlighted. Then select the farthest left column, which has numbers in it — THAT’S the one that allows you to drag and drop songs to play in the order you prefer. …
Fun, how to have
I suppose library card catalogs were replaced by computer databases 10 or 15 years ago, but once upon a time, dear younger gentle readers, you could look for books by subject on 3×5 cards in little drawers and the subject would be first — “Fun” — followed by the sub-category — “how to have.” I …
Prop 8 overturned, Earth still spins on axis
Prop 8 Trial Decision_8_4_10 I’ve been trying to make sense of the outrage on the Right over the decision in federal court by Judge Vaughn Walker announced yesterday overturning California’s Prop 8, which outlawed same-sex marriage. Social conservatives seem to be asserting three non-existent rights that permit them to deny equality to lesbians and gays: …
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Fabulous! An overview of the same-sex marriage debate
Thanks to a tweet I can’t find now, I came across a graphic, “Overview of the Same-Sex Marriage Debate,” which I gather was created by Patrick Farley of Electric Sheep. It strikes me as a perfect summary of the debate over equality for lesbians and gays. Check the larger, legible versions at Electric Sheep or …
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Judge rules Prop 8 unconstitutional
Glory hallelujah! Please go read Gabriel Malor — who is gay — at Ace of Spades HQ for the first take on the ruling in Perry v. Schwarzenegger regarding California’s Prop 8, which defined marriage as only being legal between a man and a woman. Gabriel’s summary of the verdict is as follows: “… there …
Levi Johnston is an IQ test for conservatives and … we’re flunking
THANK GOD unwed mother Bristol Palin broke up again with Levi Johnston, the father of her child. I hope this time she’s had it with him once and for all, although I fear for her because I believe she thinks everyone is honest and that she believes everyone can be redeemed. I thought Johnston was …
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THIS is why Jim Rutledge CAN beat Barbara Mikulski
I went to a dessert fundraiser for Jim Rutledge, the candidate for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate that I think can beat Sen. Barbara Mikulski. Here’s a good omen: it was held in the home of a DEMOCRAT who will be changing her voter registration to vote for Jim Rutledge in the primary election …
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Social isolation now shown to be harmful to physical health as well as mental health
Yikes! I’m trying to figure out how long I’ve been socially isolated and it’s in the range of 18-to-25 years. I’ll be 57 in October, so that’s most of my adult life. It’s been for lots of reasons — Margaret’s multiple sclerosis, my undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnea (because it reduced my energy and earning power), …