In memory of dear Barnaby Jones Pickles

As my regular gentle readers know, I adore Jennifer Lawson, The Bloggess. When the video of the pug who sang, “Batman,” first came out, I was shy to link it in honor of her pug, Barnaby Jones Pickles, because I didn’t want to look like I was doing it for the traffic instead of the …

The REAL reason lesbians and gays on the Left support amnesty

Dear Mark Koenig drew my attention to a post at Newsreal aimed at smearing gays and lesbians as supporting amnesty for illegal aliens as their contribution to the Left’s conspiracy to destroy the U.S. as a capitalistic, Constitutional democratic republic and make it a totalitarian Communistic state — which is, of course, MUCH worse than …

‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ and lesbian servicemembers

“Don’t ask, don’t tell” results in discharges of lesbians in numbers far above the proportion of women serving in each of the U.S. armed forces, according to statistics for 2009 from the Pentagon released by the Palm Center, a gay-advocacy group at the University of California, Santa Barbara: Army: Lesbians accounted for 48 percent of …

‘Barcarolle’ from ‘The Tales of Hoffman’

Lyrics to ‘Barcarolle,’ sung by mezzo Elina Garanca and soprano Anna Netrebko, from the third act of The Tales of Hoffman by Offenbach (full libretto in French with English translation here): Belle nuit, ô nuit d’amour Souris à nos ivresses Nuit plus douce que le jour Ô belle nuit d’amour! Le temps fuit et sans … on why being denied marriage is deadly for gays

I was just browsing for a story on a post I’m planning when I came across one that may help my dear gentle readers understand why being denied marriage equality is deadly for lesbians and gays and goes a long way toward creating the social instability for which our communities are attacked. I’ve mentioned …

Heavier weights, fewer reps, to burn more fat

James Joyner at Outside the Beltway links stories from his other blogs, and one about how to burn more fat caught my eye. I’ve been eating fewer calories than my target every day except for two over the last two months, but I’m only doing aerobic exercise so I’m hitting plateaus. It looks like I’m …

Glenn Beck is OK with same-sex marriage? Who’s next? Ann Coulter?

OK, so I was browsing at Little Miss Attila, who linked Instapundit, who linked Doug Mataconis at Outside the Beltway, who reports Glenn Beck is OK with same-sex marriage. I did NOT see that one coming. Doug has the video clip — Beck was talking with Bill O’Reilly — and convenient transcription. He also notes: …

Jon Stewart: The race card is maxed out

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Race Card Is Maxed Out Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party I came across this clip thanks to Hollywoodland at Big Journalism. It mentions the Congressional ethics investigations on House members Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters and shows Maxine Waters …