Inspiring video of Charisma Carpenter, courtesy of Three Beers Later

Dear Richard McEnroe of Three Beers Later featured this video of Charisma Carpenter from the UPN series, “Veronica Mars,” which is how I found it. I enjoyed Ms. Carpenter’s work in “Buffy” and “Angel.” I am embedding the video here for its inspirational value on account of learning via a little Google research that Ms. …

There ARE homes that are green AND fortune-creating

Scott Adams, the creator of the cartoon “Dilbert,” recently had a piece in the Wall Street Journal on what it’s like to design a green home and get it built in California. Short version: hijinks ensue, but not necessarily comfort or savings. I was struck by the following observation by Adams because it is one …

Maryland Public TV interviews show why Jim Rutledge is the Republican who can beat Barbara Mikulski in November

I’m still phoning it in — Anthropocon has the YouTube videos of Maryland Public Television interviewing the leading Republican candidates for Senate in the primary in September, Jim Rutledge and Eric Wargotz. I endorse Jim Rutledge — free of charge. I plan to post a video of a conversation I had with Jim on July …

A Conservative Lesbian endorses Mattie Fein for Congress — no charge, Mattie, this one is on the house!

When Stacy was in California interviewing Mattie Fein (R CAND, CA-36) he called me and gave me a chance to talk to her — on account of phoning it in, instead of writing my own post I’m linking Stacy (who has useful info on the points made in the video), Moe Lane (who has a …

UPDATED: What if the conservative blogosphere went on strike?

I see from posts at dear Attila’s (here, here and here — or click the last one and scroll down) that there is a controversy over “blogola” created by the Daily Caller in an attack on Dan Riehl and Ace at Ace of Spades HQ. And I see a confession from Smitty at The Other …

UPDATED — THANK YOU!: If you can’t go to the Restoring Honor rally on Aug. 28, please donate to send me

The Restoring Honor rally at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial will be held in Washington, D.C., this Saturday, Aug. 28, from 10 am to 1 pm, and if I can attract or generate at least $160 by 5 pm on Friday, Aug. 27, I can attend. That’s the amount I need to pay Awesome …

A surgeon learns what hospice care can do to improve the end-of-life experience and reduce medical costs

I’ve been providing end-of-life care for my loved ones for most of the last 10 years. Hospice care did so much to improve the end-of-life experience for my late life partner and my mother that my father had me make arrangements so that he can have it, too, when his time comes. (New gentle readers: …

Obama expects to be president ‘eight to 10 years’

In 2008 Obama’s last chance to get me to vote for him passed when he selected Joe Biden as his running mate instead of Hillary Clinton. The hot button issue that made me look to McCain/Palin was my hope that McCain would be more supportive of strong borders and against illegal alien amnesty than “Open …