Maggie update 9-8-10

My brother flew out to visit Maggie on Sunday and Monday, which cheered her enormously. Maggie received a chemotherapy treatment today and will see the oncologist again on Friday. She sounded stronger today. However, she has very little appetite and is too weak to walk. A sister and brother are staying with her. She is …

Right Network debuts today and includes a gardening column by A Conservative Lesbian

Today is the debut of Right Network, which is a project by Kelsey Grammer, best known as the title character in the TV comedy, “Frasier.” I’ve been recruited to write a gardening column — my first one is headlined, “Gardening: The Delectable Addiction.” (I was tardy with my photos, so the one there is not …

Maggie Byrd, cancer and the decision between hospice and acute care

When Maggie was diagnosed with advanced lymphoma about two weeks ago, she was told she had between three and 22 weeks to live. She told her doctors she wanted to live. They came up with a chemotherapy treatment strategy that shrank the tumor. She was discharged. The treatment program included an injection of heparin, a …

Business Insider’s cool solution for bloggers and copyright infringement

I clicked a story from Instapundit on bedbugs and noticed that the source of the story, Business Insider, has an extremely useful array of icons under each story. The one titled, “Embed,” intrigued me because we bloggers are accustomed to embedding videos from YouTube, cat photos from and PDFs from Scribd, but embedding a …

UPDATED: Maggie Byrd update, ‘O Happy Day’

Sleep deprivation right after finding out that Maggie Byrd has lymphoma made me especially vulnerable to getting overshadowed by fear and sadness and I forgot some important things: What you put your attention on grows stronger. You are alive until you are dead. While you are alive, make the effort — see #1 above — …

Countering NOM’s lies about the decision overturning Prop 8

The Mormon Church is the primary source of funds for the National Organization for Marriage, which opposes same-sex marriage equality and frames the issues surrounding according to the doctrines of the Mormon Church. Remember that the Mormon Church defines what YOU probably think of as “traditional marriage” as spiritually dead and inferior to the Mormon …

Just a closer walk with Thee

 Maggie was discharged from the hospital on Tuesday, Aug. 31, and is being cared for at the home of one of her brothers in Kentucky. The chemotherapy shrank the tumor from the size of a cantaloupe to the size of a baseball in just a few days. Her doctor was happy with her progress. …

I’ll write about the Restoring Honor rally tomorrow

I was so shaken by the news of Maggie’s illness on Friday evening that I didn’t start on all the chores I wanted done before Awesome Nephew came to take care of Dad yesterday until midnight. By the time I was finished, I just had time to shower and dress before leaving for the Restoring …