Buddy Chopra now dispensing wisdom at Interesting News Items

Dear Ling Carter welcomes Deepak Chopra’s younger brother as his new co-blogger: Recall how Yama, the lord of death, came to visit the widow Patel, who lived alone threshing grain and fielding service calls for Microsoft. Yama tempted her with four gold coins if Patel would curse her fate and renounce acceptance. But Patel tricked …

The eight amendments to the Constitution proposed by Obama

Did I say Obama? My bad. I meant social conservative and Republican governor of Texas, Rick Perry. Gabriel Malor reports that such is Perry’s reverence for the Constitution, he has proposed eight amendments to it so far in his campaign for president. What they have in common is that they would clear the way for social …

Joy asks, ‘Why are we letting the enemy moderate our debates?’

At The Conservatory, Joy McCann, aka Little Miss Attila, has a useful summary of last night’s Republican presidential candidates’ debate. Here is how she gets rolling: Most of the questions Stephanopoulos and Sawyer came up with tonight were clearly designed to do one of two things: 1) Throw out more heat than light, and set …

UPDATED: Dear Tony Fabrizio, we have no obligation to cut our own throats by keeping your not-secret

Moe Lane has the background on GOProud outing Tony Fabrizio today. Fabrizio is the top pollster and chief strategist for the presidential campaign of Texas Gov. Rick Perry. Moe and I have opposing points of view regarding the outing. But I spent enough time composing my comment at Moe’s that I am cross-posting it here: Moe, …

Why Newt’s lesbian sister is a good reason for gays to vote for him as the Republican presidential nominee

Newt Gingrich is chock-full of character and personality failings that should bar him from being considered for the job as president, but he is gaining steam in the polls because of his well-informed and sharp-tongued performances in the Republican presidential candidate debates. However, a chimpanzee with a magic eight-ball would be an improvement over Obama …

UPDATED: Sec. Hillary Clinton bravely speaks out for gay equality

Today Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, speaking to a UN gathering in Geneva, Switzerland, made an eloquent speech supporting gay equality in observance of International Human Rights Day — click the link to read the whole thing. It’s worth it. Here is a sample (bolding mine): At three o’clock in the morning on December …

Why NOM would be fighting Obamacare instead of gays if it’s true purpose were to protect marriage

Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com Today Fox News ran the story in the video above about how Obamacare will destroy marriage for the middle class because its means-testing requirements will force millions of couples to choose between marriage and health insurance. That’s because married couples who file joint federal tax returns will be means-tested …

Your online vote for Hallie Miller can launch her modeling career

    My friend, Peter Ingemi, of DaTechGuy blog, has some thoughts today on Ron Paul’s ability to win straw polls by busing in his Ronulans and paying their way to conservative events like CPAC and the Value Voters Summit. Then he asks for help for his young friend, Hallie Miller, who needs votes in …