Video tributes to Andrew Breitbart

Dear Nice Deb has a beautiful round-up of video tributes to our beloved Andrew Breitbart. She has done me the honor of including mine. When I find her e-mail address, I will thank her by making sure she has photos I took of her with Andrew in the Bloggers Lounge at CPAC in 2010. I also discovered today that I made two 10-minute videos of Andrew speaking to us that day, which I will be sharing.

Also check out DaTechGuy’s Andrew Breitbart round-up, especially the video he took that he says has not gotten enough attention — he is correct, it hasn’t. In it, Andrew explains how Leftist leaders figured out they couldn’t attack capitalism in America politically because Americans are so prosperous and like their capitalism, so they began to take capitalism down by attacking it through the culture in movies, books and TV. (I know I left out radio — Leftists don’t thrive in that medium.)