Rejoicing in tiny karmic miracles

Consider the paradoxes in the following sequence of events:

  • Presidential candidate and Republican governor of Texas, Rick Perry, releases a TV ad attacking the honor of lesbian and gay service members, saying, ““I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m a Christian, but you don’t need to be in the pew every Sunday to know there’s something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can’t openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school,” which means Perry supports and would re-institute DADT, a program for outing lesbian and gay service members and destroying their careers …
  • But when GOProud’s leaders, Jimmy LaSalvia and Chris Barron, publicly object to the fact that Perry’s chief campaign strategist, Tony Fabrizio, is gay and did not resign to protest Perry’s decision to release this ad, they are subjected to a maelstrom of criticism for outing him …
  • Even though Jimmy and Chris have known Fabrizio to be openly gay for so many years it never occurred to them anyone considered him to be in the closet …
  • But while Fabrizio neither resigns the Perry campaign to protest the anti-gay TV ad nor is fired for having his already considerable outness outed up several notches …
  • Andrew Breitbart does resign from GOProud’s advisory board to protest the outing of someone who is out because outing can destroy families and careers — thereby damaging the careers of two men who did not out anyone and the organization they founded — yes, this is the same Andrew Breitbart who outed Congressman Anthony Weiner as a tweeter of lewd self-portraits and destroyed his career …
  • Then remember this started with Rick Perry denouncing the end of a policy that outed lesbian and gay service members and destroyed their careers …

Now click thee to and scroll down to #1 to rejoice in this “tiny karmic miracle.”

3 replies on “Rejoicing in tiny karmic miracles”

  1. My relentlessly socon uncle emailed this to me a few minutes ago with the line (directed at Perry): “So campaign for prayer in schools, you moron”.

    (I had suggested that it was time for a second look at Perry. That got slapped down pretty darn quick.)

    Perry’s argument makes no sense. It’s a total non sequitur. What does prayer in schools have to do with gays in the armed forces?

      1. What bothers me about the advocacy of school prayer is that it is an utterly dishonest complaint. What was banned was forced school prayer led by someone with authority over the children. It is not possible to ban prayer anywhere any more than it is possible to ban thinking.

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