(H/T a commenter at Perfunction, which has other versions of this photo from the White House’s Flickr feed that are just as hilarious. Via Ace.)
I just read Michelle Malkin’s post that Joe Wilson will be the first member of Congress to answer a State of the Union address with a live video post from his Facebook page. You may recall Joe Wilson, who is an immigration attorney, shouted “You lie!” when Obama addressed Congress and told them falsely that the proposed health care legislation would not provide healthcare to illegal immigrants.
But it occurred to me that the people who OUGHT to be liveblogging Obama’s State of the Union address are the Republican members of Congress. How freakin’ AWESOME would it be if each and every one of them were on his or her Twitter or Facebook account liveblogging their reactions? OMG!
Michael Steele — why do we conservative bloggers have to keep thinking of these things FOR YOU?
I’m planning to live blog the SOTU tonight at Newsreal.
Update, 1/27/2010, Wed.:
Thanks, Stacy, for the link, although I have to say your headline announcing Vodkapundit will be drunkblogging the SOTU is, um, so very “dog bites man.”
Ah, but does the House chamber have wifi? or would they have to use their phones??
I R A Darth Aggie,
Good point — but photos show members of Congress using their laptops and if they do not have Ethernet connections to the Internet at their desks, THAT is news and should be remedied. But, if they have to use their phones, they could still send tweets. It would be awesome to read, plus they would be so busy they would not be obligated to applaud. Heh!
If members of Congress do not liveblog the SOTU this year, I bet they will from now on.