Read my work at Bombthrowers, the blog of the conservative investigative think tank, the Capital Research Center:
… I propose the term “facsimile groups†for any community of people who appropriate the appearance and characteristics of a class of people whose rights have traditionally been protected on the basis of their immutable characteristics, such as sex or race.
The right needs the term “facsimile groups†because it gives them a name for the scam being run by transgender and transracial activists, which is that denying reality and faking their appearance entitles them not only to social recognition as something they aren’t, but also legal protections defined by physical characteristics they can never have.
I also propose characterizing facsimile group rights activists as rights pirates, similar to intellectual property rights pirates, because their objectives are to steal the hard-won rights based on sex and race to give them to men in womanface, like Caitlyn Jenner, and whites in blackface, like Rachel Dolezal.
Let’s look at a small piece of the destruction that these facsimile rights activists are wreaking on society.
On November 20, a man named Rachel Tudor won damages of $1,165,000 from his employer, Southeastern Oklahoma State University, in federal court on the claim he was discriminated against on the basis of his gender as a woman. This is piracy, of a sort.
How is Professor Tudor stealing rights from women? For starters….
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