I attended part of the Tea Party protest on Main Street in Bel Air, Maryland, in front of the county courthouse this afternoon. I counted the protesters lining the street on both side and got at least 120 people — but I had to estimate the crowd in front of the courthouse, which was much bigger, so there were easily 250-to-300 people attending the protest. Bel Air, Maryland, is the birthplace of John Wilkes Booth — our contribution to the nation’s heritage — and he and his brother, Edwin, performed Shakespeare in the courthouse, which is the brick building on the right.
Thanks, Instapundit, for featuring this photo and linking my blog! Welcome, Instapundit readers! And, to answer Instapundit’s question, I took the photo with my red Samsung Flipshot. It has a resolution of three megapixels and also takes video. It’s a great MP3 player, too — I have a four-gig memory chip in it filled with MP3s and photos — I love it!
I didn’t know you were local to Bel Air, Cynthia. When I sent pics from last year’s protest in the rain, Ace posted one, but Insty didn’t. Connections connections connections.
Glad someone could cover it; I was stuck in Towson. Cheers!
Thanks! It didn’t occur to me to send a photo to Ace — I haven’t noticed him posting Tea Party photos — but Instapundit does so frequently.
BTW, I use the CommentLuv plug-in, which should have found your latest post and linked it — I like to help out my fellow bloggers. Check it out — I’m not sure why it didn’t find your post.
Great report on my home town.
Ooooo…….there’s an “instalanche” comin’ your way!