Howard Stern: 'I'll never vote for a Democrat again, they're Communists!'

I love Howard Stern because after Maharishi Mahesh Yogi died on Feb. 5, 2008, Stern spoke fondly about interviewing him. In addition, Stern credited the Transcendental Meditation program with saving his mother’s life from being lost to depression. He and his sidekick, Robin, also spoke positively about how practicing the TM program has benefited them.

Apparently today Howard Stern has awakened to what the Democratic Party has become. He told his listeners, “I’ll never vote for a Democrat again, they’re Communists.”

Yes, Howard. Yes, they are. And if you want to know more about where the Democrats want to take America, I recommend you read The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich Hayek, which was first published in 1944.

H/T Dan Riehl via Twitter. The link to the book is an Amazon affiliate link — if you buy the book, or other products at Amazon, by following that link, Amazon pays me a small commission but there is no additional cost to you.

5 replies on “Howard Stern: 'I'll never vote for a Democrat again, they're Communists!'”

  1. Looks like Howard finally woke up and smelled the coffee. (Lord knows he should have….that cup of yours is big enough! 😉

  2. Looks like your Amazon Affiliate link for “Road To Serfdom” is broken (at least in FireFox 3.6).

  3. Hi,

    Your serfdom book link is broken. Try the Amazon “site stripe” when you log into your affiliate account. Then use the “text link” option when you bring up that book.

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