Ann Coulter is at CPAC and she just mocked Bill Nye the Science Guy’s claim that one of the things proving anthropogenic global warming is that lots of young people believe in it, “On that basis I can prove beer is the greatest beverage ever invented!”
To which Moe Lane said to me, “But it is!”
Ann: “If Ron Paul says it and it doesn’t have to do with foreign policy, then I agree.”
And more Ann: “If you don’t leave liberals in a sputtering rage, you’re not doing it right.”
Question: “Have you ever dated a liberal before?”
Ann: “They weren’t liberal for long.”
“They weren’t liberal for long.”
Behold!!! The power of Ann! 😀
.-= Instinct´s last blog ..Music Friday: A Delcaration =-.
Curious to know if you heard Glenn Beck speak, and what was your take on it. And, what’s with Ron Paul winning the straw vote???
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I was in the Bloggers Lounge during Glenn Beck’s speech and spirits were very high. We were watching him on two big flat screen monitors. He was going too fast for me to blog anything, and I was exhausted, so I switched to tweeting. Stacy McCain had a bet going on when Glenn would cry, and I called it at 6:58 pm on Beck’s closing line “morning in America.” It was exactly the kind of speech you want at these events — filling people with clarity of purpose, enthusiasm and determination.
About Ron Paul winning the straw poll — his devotees crowded the hallways passing out flyers but didn’t seem much in evidence elsewhere. This was the largest CPAC ever, with over 10,000 people attending. Less than a quarter of the attendees took the straw poll. I think the Ron Paul people used it to try to generate some momentum and credibility for their guy, but I don’t think insiders will take it seriously. This means I also should disregard the poll results saying that the top issues for conservatives all have to do with fiscal conservatism, while the issues of social conservatives are at the bottom of the barrel. Dang! I liked those results MUCH better.
Funny, fearless, smart and tougher than woodpecker lips. If only she’d eat. Every time I see her I think “somebody give that girl a sammiche!
Ah, if I were twenty years younger and single…
Congrats on the CPAC blogging gig, Cynthia! All coverage is making it seem like this particularly CPAC is brimming with such wonderful enthusiasm, hope, and energy. I’m so happy you got to go! I wish I was there too.
Thanks! It was great to be there!
Wish I had caught that one. She’s hilarious.
.-= Jennifer´s last blog ..Careful Out There Today =-.