UPDATED — Obama's 'Enabling Act' trial balloon

Ever since Obama was elected I’ve had the feeling that the organizing principle of his agenda is to destroy America as a capitalist democratic republic in slow motion with such a barrage of debt bombs, government intrusion, weakening of our military, dissolution of border enforcement, stagnation, confusion and fear that Congress would cede its powers …

Uh, Neo-neocon and Jules, I think the scoop for rallying for Scott Brown belongs to Legal Insurrection and Hill Buzz

H/T for video to Hill Buzz: “Get off your butts: MSNBC admits electing Scott Brown will cripple Obama.” Success has a thousand fathers and failure only one, as the expression goes.* Now that Republican Scott Brown is polling ahead of the Democratic candidate, Martha Coakley, for the election in Massachusetts on Jan. 19 to fill …

Sarah Palin is my beat at Newsreal blog

Yesterday I began covering former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as my beat for David Horowitz’s Newsreal blog. My post about her debut last night on The O’Reilly Factor on Fox News as a news analyst went live a couple of hours ago. It begins as follows: From the first moment of former Alaska Gov. Sarah …

A Conservative Lesbian celebrates its first birthday today

A year ago today I was seized with the passion to make the leap from reading blogs to writing one. I started with a free WordPress blog, but quickly went the self-hosted route so my first post here is dated January 25, 2009. In terms of passion, joy, enthusiasm and good luck — and a …

What The Bloggess brought to her daughter's school to celebrate Multi-Cultural Day

All right, first of all, I’ll wait for all the heads to finish exploding over a Texas school celebrating “Multi-Cultural Day.” OK, then. Next, I will remind you that Jenny, The Bloggess, is my dear friend and that I invented the acronym PFNFNDHTIN (pee first, no food, no drinks, have tissues and inhaler nearby) to …

Best video round-up of Obama's broken promises is on — Comedy Central?

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Stealth Care Reform www.thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Crisis Jon Stewart at Comedy Central has pulled together the best collection of videos of Obama making campaign pledges that he never intended to keep, which some people uncharitably, but accurately, …

Vastu — 'Nature has an architecture'

From Channel 4, NBC, in Washington, D.C.: PBS Nightly Business Report: Glad tidings! I finished my course yesterday. It was about Vastu, um, Sthapatya Ved — er, Fortune-Creating ® Buildings. I’m going to let the videos explain. They feature Jeffrey Abramson, whom I know as a long-time acquaintance, discussing the application of the principles of …

Really, Sen. McCain? What tipped you off? UPDATED

OK, when John McCain is finally willing to characterize Obama accurately without worrying about being called a RAAAAACIST!, it looks to me like a watershed moment all-around. I blame Bush. Updated, 1/9/10, Sat.: Patterico had a guest post in 2008 featuring a letter dated February 6, 2006, from Sen. McCain to his new colleague, Obama, …