Labor Day and time to remember how union leaders squander their members' dues

Today is Labor Day and time to remember that all workers are equal but some workers are more equal than others:

I do have to say that based on my own experience, I think it would save Medicaid and Medicare money on nursing home care if home care workers were paid more AND were enrolled in Medicaid as their only job benefit. In Maryland the job is 24/7/365 with no benefits for $50 a day. And the state usually takes months to pay the home care workers. Maryland’s Republican Gov. Robert Ehrlich was contemptuous of our plight on camera and I will never forget the despair I felt at that moment. But even if it didn’t save the state money, I think home care workers should get Medicaid coverage as a benefit just because it’s the right thing to do for someone who is working for $2 per hour and yet makes just enough money to be ineligible for food stamps and Medicaid. You may call me a Leftie for that after you’ve done that work AND lived on that income AND gotten paid on the state’s schedule for at least two months.

So, union members, by quoting Michelle Malkin’s reporting on union corruption, I’m not saying that there’s no such thing as unfair wages and working conditions, I’m saying that corrupt unions are not the means for making your lives better. And if the only way you can create unions now is to pass a law that cheats people out of their right to a secret ballot, that’s a continent-full of red flags that unions exist for their leaders, not for their members, and there’s no such thing as a union that isn’t corrupt.