My Obama Prevarication Predictor predicted lies about Sarah Palin today and Levi Johnson delivered

I can’t resist noting that I predicted on Aug. 24 that Obama was tanking and that Obama’s minions see to it that a big lie about Gov. Sarah Palin usually follows within about 48 to 72 hours any bad news about Obama that is dominating the news shows. Well, the lie was postponed since Ted Kennedy died and coverage about his life and funeral filled the news shows through Sunday, taking the heat off of Obama, despite his excruciating eulogy at Kennedy’s funeral on Saturday.

However, Obama’s poll numbers continued to drop like a rock AND make news, so the Obama Prevarication Predictor clock reset on Monday. And lo! An essay supposedly written by Levi Johnson, father of Bristol Palin’s baby, was published today, 72 hours-ish later, suitably filled with lies about Gov. Palin in an effort to distract the media with their favorite cut of red meat.

However, darn the luck, it’s not working this time. Over at The Other McCain, dear Stacy, father of six children, including a teenage daughter, writes,  “… if that third-rate teenage hockey goon did to my daughter what he did to Sarah Palin’s daughter, he wouldn’t be available for media interviews, unless Vanity Fair covers seances . . . .” Hot Air points out that even MSNBC thinks Levi is lying about Gov. Palin, while Conservatives4Palin provides the fisking and Ace has great color commentary on the plausibility of Levi’s claims: “Sarah Palin Would Often Offhandedly Confirm the Left’s Worst Suspicions About Her to Me, the Self-Declared Redneck Sticking it to Her Daughter.”

I hate to think of what Obama will resort to when lies about Gov. Palin really, really stop working to shift attention from his inadequacies, failures and treacheries to friend and foe.

6 replies on “My Obama Prevarication Predictor predicted lies about Sarah Palin today and Levi Johnson delivered”

  1. I do not quite understand why this Levi person is breathing air we might need someday. If anyone had done what he did to my daughter and then spoke in public about my wife as he did they’d all be wondering about whatever happened to good ol’ Levi.

    Don’t they have anywhere to hide a body up there?
    .-= Peter´s last blog ..On What Authority? =-.

  2. “I hate to think of what Obama will resort to when lies about Gov. Palin really, really stop working to shift attention from his inadequacies, failures and treacheries to friend and foe.”

    Guess it will be Hillary’s turn again, eh? They will make up some more lies about her and her hubby being racist hacks and… wala…. Obie’s low ratings will be HER fault.
    .-= SYD´s last blog ..Belly Dancing As An Act Of Feminist Solidarity: A New Series By S.Y.D. =-.

    1. SYD,

      No, Obama needs Hillary as his cover to distract people from his destructive policies toward Israel that have been taken from her portfolio and handed over to anti-Israel Obama followers such as Samantha Powers.

      I think Obama will resort to a “fire in the Reichstag” event of the type that Hitler used to get the Enabling Act passed. It will be something destructive, deadly and terrifying enough that Obama will argue we need to suspend the Constitution. After all, he’s already announced he’s willing to be a one-term president. He just didn’t say he intends it to be the rest of his life.


  3. Don’t they have anywhere to hide a body up there?

    Yes, I believe that’s called feeding the bears. But I could be wrong.

  4. I hate to think of what Obama will resort to when lies about Gov. Palin really, really stop working to shift attention from his inadequacies, failures and treacheries to friend and foe.

    I imagine he will star in the first evah interracial presidential porno called “No one gets between me and my Levi’s Johnson.”

    -Directed by Michelle Obama

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