Becky's back and bringing the bare-breasted goodness

Becky Chandler is back and blogging at Bing about bare breasts! With photos that are — and I am unanimous in this — NSFW! Of course. Becky is a libertarian lesbian lawyer and mother who blogged at Just a Girl in Short Shorts Talking About Whatever until Obama supporters angry with her trenchant observations about …

Republican candidate in Virginia supports homosexual equality

Over the last year I’ve started to see the Democratic party as an organization that makes promises to idealistic people that it doesn’t intend to keep in order to get their support. Now I’m not surprised that I couldn’t cash in any Democrat/liberal promises like wheelchair access to an annual lesbian event for my life …

Bookworm finds a description of Obama in Jane Austen's 'Persuasion'

Over at Right Wing News, Bookworm has some apt then-and-now musings: There’s a reason for my little extended meditation on Obama’s personality as it first appeared and as it actually is. For my own pleasure, I’ve been rereading Jane Austen’s Persuasion, which stands second only to Pride & Prejudice in my estimation. P&P is a …

On Obamacare, the president contradicts himself every other breath

I have a theory that my idealistic friends who still trust Obama do so because they only tune in on what he is saying when they hear him saying something they agree with. This works with a trustworthy person — even a small sample of what they say will be consistent with everything else they …

Let's make a deal

I see from Gateway Pundit and Hot Air that Obama’s press secretary Robert Gibbs says that Obama is willing to be a one-term president if that’s what it takes to make him president-for-life in the new totalitarian socialist regime that will result from enacting Obamacare. Oh, wait — we were supposed to believe Gibbs meant …

Little Miss Attila is a genius …

… for her brilliance in getting people to understand the non-neutral, non-benevolence of government-required education sessions with this analogy in her reply to Charles Krauthammer, M.D., and his column today on “death panels,” including his unfounded invalidation of Gov. Palin’s contribution to the healthcare reform discussion. See also: Chiropractor and blogger Melissa Clouthier says, “People …

First expand the supply THEN increase the demand — UPDATED: IBD survey says 45 percent of doctors will shut down their practices or retire early if Obamacare is enacted

I have been pondering a post for several days on the probability that one of the first effects of Obamacare will be to reduce the number of doctors. If Obamacare is passed, I believe that from that moment, thousands of doctors will start to plan how to sell or close their practices and change careers. …

Successful quadriplegic ex-football player on cover of August 24 Sports Illustrated

I took Dad to the dentist today and the latest issue of Sports Illustrated was on top of all the other magazines with a cover story about quadriplegic ex-football player Marc Buoniconti, so I eagerly picked it up to read the story. What a contrast between Buoniconti’s story and that of the Australian former athlete …

NOW I know why Gay Patriot denounces Barney Frank so often

I’ve been reading Gay Patriot since last fall, but I have been puzzled all that time about why Gay Patriot and Daniel Blatt (formerly known as Gay Patriot West) hated, denounced and ridiculed Democratic Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank with so much venom. Until today when I saw a few minutes of Barney Frank’s psychotic rants …