Those wonderful young gay men at HillBuzz have taken note of the Left venting its rage on Whole Foods because the company’s owner wrote an op-ed opposing Obamacare. This is how Democrats find out that all Democrats are equal, but some Democrats are more equal than others. Silly man! Thinking that when the Left says it wants a discussion about something that you’re allowed to give your opinion instead of saluting and toeing the party line.
Since the Left is busy boycotting Whole Foods, the dear men at HillBuzz realized it is high time to support the store by shopping there. However, they worried about being able to afford the prices and asked their readers for tips. Bonanza! Go and read for yourself — those Whole Foods-savvy HillBuzz readers will save you time and money!
For the offending op-ed and Little Miss Attila’s take, go here. And donate as much as you can — she’s not a kidder about things like getting by on white rice and soybean sauce right now. And, yes, since you mention it, I donated as much as I could — it’s prosperous to give with the intention and belief that the gift will be multiplied both for you and the receiver.
Heading over to Whole Foods today!
Quick…. call your broker and tell him to BUY!:
.-= SYD´s last blog ..So The Leftie Rags Are Our Friends Again? (Conservative "Feminist Hawks" Gaining Momentum!) =-.